Bharani Nakshatra - "Star of Restraint"

Bharani nakshatra is associated with worshipping Siddhi Ganapati.

Significance of Siddhi Ganapati
Siddhi Ganapati is regarded as the 7th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The Sanskrit word ‘Siddhi’ means success, attainment or accomplishment. Hence, Siddhi Ganapati is regarded as the Lord of success and accomplishment and also, as an embodiment of masterly intellect. This Lord is sitting in a relaxed posture, golden yellow in complexion and possesses four hands. While his two right hands hold the battle ax and the mango fruit, his left ones hold a bouquet of flowers and a sugarcane plant complete with leaves and roots. His trunk is curled to the left, in which he holds a sweet cake made of sesame seeds and jaggery (cane sugar).

This form of Ganesha can be seen as a painting in the Pazhavangadi Ganapati Temple in the Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram and as a sculpture in some temples in Mysore region, where all the 32 Ganapati forms are on display. Siddhi Ganapati can also be worshipped in an idol form, in the famous Siddhi Vinayak Temple in the city of Mumbai, where the temple is exclusively dedicated to this Lord. Bharani Star or Nakshatra is said to be related to this form of Ganapati.

Blessings of Worshipping Siddhi Ganapati
Siddhi Ganapati is the one can bless anyone with success in any right venture he or she undertakes. He is also believed to be the storehouse of Ashta Siddhis, the 8 rare and matchless universal attainments and can bless devotees with the power to succeed in endeavors and life.

Mantra for Siddhi Ganapati
The mantra, which reads as under in Sanskrit, calls him as ‘the success-bestowing Ganapati,’ describes his form in detail and prays for his grace and blessings.

Pakva choothafal pushpamanjaree

Rikshu dhandam tilmodhakaihasaha

Udhvahan parashumasthu the namaha

Shree samrudhdhiyuthhe mapingala

Chanting the Siddhi Ganapati Mantra with faith can be an effective means of propitiating this powerful Lord.

Bharani Nakshatra

Mantras for Bharani Nakshatra

These Mantras when chanted by either the People born in this Nakshatra through out their lives.
Others who want to benefit from the qualities of this Nakshatra can chant these Mantras when Moon transits this nakshatra or Lagna transits this Nakshatra.

Bharani Nakshatra Gayatri Mantra :
Om krusnavarnayai vitmahe
Tantatarayai dhimahi
Bharani tanno pracodayat

Bharani Nakshatra Vedic Mantra :

Om YamaYatwa MakhaYatwa SooryyaSyatwa Tapse DevSyatwa,

SavitaMadhva Naktu Prithvya Sa Gwwam SparshSpaahiArchiRasi, ShochRasi Tposi.

ॐ यमायत्वामखायत्वा सूर्य्यस्यत्वातपसे देवस्यत्वा सवितामध्वानक्तु पृथ्वियाःस गुँ स्पृशस्पाहि । अर्चिरसिशोचिरसि तपोसि।।

Yama is the Deity of Bharani Nakshatra

Yama is a Lord of the Pitris (departed spirits/ ancestors) and renowned with the title ‘Dharma Raj’. He is also recognized to embody time as ‘Antaka’, he who ends the time for someone by marking the phrase ‘His time has come’. He has his own Loka called the Yamaloka or Yamapuri and from the Kal chakra astrology, he is the regent of the Southern direction and titled as ‘Daksinasapati’.

Yama is the son of Lord Surya and his wife Devi ‘Saranyu’ (also called as Sangna (Conscience), daughter of Vishvakarman, ancient architect of Gods). Also, he has a twin sister named Yami (who was later blesses as river Yamuna on earth).

Now, sometime after their birth at the Surya Loka, Saranyu left her palace unable to bear her husband Lord Surya’s heat and intensity leaving behind Chaya (her reflection) to take care of her household. Chaya started living her life in Saranyu’s stead with this secret deep in her heart and also bore him children, including Shani.

Maha Kali is the fierce form of goddess Parvati and the consort of MahaKaala, is the goddess of transformation who brings an end and a new beginning to all things. She is personified as the female form of time and space aspect of the universe.

Symbolically, she is the Space beneath a Great Time of Mahakaal. That is the true meaning of Shiv Shakti, the Shiva Linga together as time and space of the universe. Popularly she is known as the space and time embodiment in the Shakti Puran. 

We can witness this form of energy in the form of the Mahakaal jyotirlinga temple in Ujjain, India. Also, she is like the dark matter (void) which is covering 95% of space/ universe, from which all things physically come from and ultimately return.

Mythological Stories

 1. Yama with Chaya

Once Saranyu left Surya Lok, Chaya took care of the household with complete devotion. Until Chaya bore her own children, she was dedicated to Saranyu’s children and treated them as her own. However, once when she had her own kids, a bias cropped in and some differences started to come in. Yama, being the oldest, was able to notice these subtle changes in behavior. 

One day, he was hungry and mother Chaya did not pay heed to his requests, frustrated, he attempted to kick her. However, Chaya got furious and instead cursed Yama that his leg would forever be infested with maggots and never heal. This terribly shook Yama from within who realized that she could not be his mother. No mother can act like this to her own son. He went to his father Lord Surya and explained the complete story. His father gave him a cock who ate away all the vermin in his leg and Lord Yama eventually recovered with wrinkles on his leg. Due to this incident, Lord Yama gained himself the name of ‘Sirnapada’ or ‘shriveled foot’. 

For many years when Devi Chaya lived among them and even Surya was able to identify her, it was Lord Yama who was able to judge her and earned himself the title of ‘Dharmaraj’. This also teaches us that a balanced native has a great will for justice. However, if the native has weak and afflicted Bharani, he could face problems of a feeling of bias from his mother. Also, in medical astrology, we understand that afflicted Bharani people might end up having problems with the feet especially then the body parts of Bharani are head and feet. 

It is a ugra/ fiery nakshatra. So, the reaction of the Bharani natives also becomes also is very harsh/ rude at times when they see any injustice happening.

Also, as he started suspecting the mother, he created a situation to push the person in front to expose them. This shows the fierce/ ‘ugra’ attitude also even though the main motive might be good.

2. Yama and twin sister Yami

Star of restraint: Yama and Yami, both the siblings were attached to each other right from the beginning as they were twins. Also, it is said that they were the primeval beings on earth. Yami became very lonely on earth, and when she longed for a man, there was no one except Yama whom she was so deeply in love with. So, she requested him for having children with her. She tried to convince him in many ways. However, he was unmoved and refused the proposal calling it a sin. He said that it was immoral and with exceptional self-control said that ‘The Gods see everything’. In the end, Yami gave it up, as Yama chose the act of restraint on high moral grounds and discipline. 

We see the energies of Mars and Venus playing out here. This story tells us about the restraint that a balanced Bharani native would need to uphold. Also, this touches the feelings of incest which could happen in the life of an afflicted Bharani native especially with afflicted Venus/ Mars. Though it is not necessary that the native would act on it.

The cycle of time: As Lord Yama and his sister Yami was the primeval beings on earth, no one had died before. As Lord Yama grew old, he became the first mortal to experience death. Yami was attached to him and was not able to bear the loss of her brother. Even though all the Gods tried, she wept inconsolably. She got stuck in the moment/ emotion and kept saying, that ‘today’ is the day my brother died and unfortunately ‘today’ was forever. Earth before this had a constant light and environment. Experiencing this, the Gods created night on earth to break the constant and the cycle of time begun. This darkness of the night also brought calmness in Yami. She let go of the pain and flowed to became the river Yamuna. Lord Yama also became the first mortal to cross the Vaitarni river and reach the realm of the spirits. He has to find his own way here.

Bharani natives feel the pain really deep due to Mars/ Venus energies it is made up of and gets stuck up in the emotions of events occurred in their life. The only solution for this is to let go of the emotion and let it flow and move on. Also, it talks about time being the eternal healer for the natives. Also, time is an important component which talks about transformations occurring with the passing of time.

‘Apa Bharani’ shakti is also explained in such a beautiful way with both the stories of Yama and Yami. ‘Apa’ is water and ‘Bharani’ is to bear/ restraint teaches us the letting go is one thing the native would have/ need in this lifetime and needs to accept things like the flow of water. Also, the discipline of restraint and bearing they need to have to instill dharma in their lives. Also, for natives with weak afflicted Bharani, are asked to stay away from water if in the afflicted houses. For benefic and weak Bharani, drinking water and staying hydrated could be a great remedy, especially if Mars is too strong in the chart.

This also tells us that the people coming in contact with the Bharani people would suffer as they become part of the transformation as well. 

3. Journey to the Next World

As per symbology, one of the alternate symbols of Bharani is also the boat. This signifies our journey after our death from Earth to the Yamapuri at Kalichi palace, where Lord Yamaraj resides. From the Garuda Purana, we learn that it takes around 47 days to reach there. Along the way, it is only the food served by progeny that provides enough health to the soul. It cannot be called a co-incidence then, that a great remedy for someone suffering from weak afflicted Bharani would be to fulfill Pitri paksha Tarpanam by feeding the ancestors. Once the soul reaches there, it is Lord Yama who decides where we ought to go based on our akashic records shared by his accountant Chitragupta. 

  • If the soul has achieved liberation and out of the cycle of life and birth on earth, he is sent forward to the next worlds towards moksha. 
  • If he has fulfilled his karma for this birth, he is sent to the Swarga Loka (heaven/ dev Loka) till his next cycle on earth. 
  • On the other hand, if he has not fulfilled/ added on his karmas and not able to learn on the earth plane, he is sent to Narka Loka (hell). Here, they have their means to teach the soul and prepare them for the next cycle. Narka Lok again has many planes based on the kind of punishment for each learning. The soul goes through a fierce transformation in the astral plane in both Swarga and Narka Loka. He could be facing multiple punishments for the stipulated time. It is only after that he is sent back to earth for the next cycle. 

We get a few of our themes from here to understand Bharani nakshatra. The ‘Apa Bharani’ Shakti is playing the role on the astral plane in a very simple explanation. The power above is to take the soul away from the body and the support from below is to guide the soul to the Yamaloka where the transformation happens and the soul bears it through the good deeds he has earned in the earthly plane. 

From a symbology perspective, Bharani nakshatra talks about how the soul can move ahead as part of the grihastha ashram when we are on earth. The nakshatra has Venus and Mars energy along with ‘Manushya’ temperament with ‘Artha’ purushartha. This gives us a temperament as a self-indulgent person, who understands that collecting wealth using human temperament is not bad. They will not mind twisting things for own benefit to ensure it is generating wealth for himself whenever required. The natives do not generally have monetary issues and this is a wealthy nakshatra. Instead, they undergo a heavy transformation in their relationships. They are provided with scenarios to learn to let go of things which are not needed anymore, have restraint and hold on to righteousness and discipline. Since Lord Yama will always stand up for what is right from his perspective, they tend to come out as cruel to other people. In this life, they need to perform a lot of restraint at their end with discipline. 

Also, we see that there is dependence on others for this nakshatra since the soul has to complete the journey towards the astral plane with not what they carry, but what is provided to them by their progeny.

There is a story when Karna from Mahabharata which talks about this in detail. After Karna’s death when he was in Swarga Loka, he was provided with only gold, silver, garments and precious stones as his serving at the dinner table while everyone else was enjoying proper delicious meals. After a while when he on the verge of starvation, Karna asked how could he survive only on materialistic things, as they do not help in fulfilling his hunger. Yama raj told him that as Daanveer Karna, he has completed a lot of donations (Daan), however only of the materialistic things on earth. The biggest Daan that he has missed is that of Pitri Tarpanam for his ancestors as he didn’t know of them. Yama said, only what Daan was made would be provided in the Swarga Loka as it is the place of the result of your own karmas. On understanding this, Karna requested Yama to grant him 15 days during which he would complete the Pitri Tarpanam all his ancestors. Yama granted his wish. Once he was back, he also was provided with all the foods of his choice.

This story also shows that a soul journey is a place of dependence, and we need to complete our Pitri Tarpanam to ensure we would be nourished in the afterlife. The 15 days when Karna had come back to earth for the Tarpanam, is marked with the Pitri Paksha time period. 

So, one of the great remedies of weak afflicted Bharani is to complete his oblations/ Pitri Tarpanans. This especially works if he has This would ensure he would be able to move on in the cycle of life.

4. Yama with Shani:

Devi Chaya is punished after her secret is exposed and Shani, who is her oldest son gets very offended. Also, once Saranyu is back, Chaya has to leave as she was only considered as a replacement. Shani does not like this arrangement. He doesn’t get along with Yama. Yama talks about restraint and the following dharma under Surya all the time and Shani is the rebel here who wants to stand for the weak. 

He wants to activate the karmas in life itself while Yama concentrated too much on himself and instead talks about judgment afterlife. Yama’s restraint is tying up his hands. Shani is in deep debilitation here at 20⁰ and gets really frustrated with the environment created for him.

However, as children of Lord Surya, both these sons talk about karmas and believers of justice. Shani Dev as Kurma avatar tracks our karmas on this earth and hands it over to Chitragupta in the Yamapuri, who is the accountant for Lord Yama who adds them in the book of Aakashik records. Lord Yama, the Dharmaraj, then judge the sum total of karmas to proceed the soul forward to his journey. 

5. Dependence

As per symbology, the main symbol of Bharani is ‘Yoni’ or the female reproductive organ. If we consider actually what happens in the ‘Yoni’ of a woman. The seed of the child reaches into the womb from there, and for the next 9 months, there is a complete transformation going on for the child inside the womb. The child stays there inside water ‘APA’ safe from the outside world, however, completely dependent on the umbilical cord of the mother ‘bears’ the child with all the things to survive like food, oxygen, nutrients. Also, as the baby grows, the mother feels the pressure in terms of the child kicking her from inside, or the pains in the body, etc. 

Once, the child has grown completely, he comes out from the same ‘Yoni’ as a newborn child into a completely new world. This can be seen as the new birth of a child. Here, all that is good have been preserved and the unwanted was thrown out in the process of 9 months. 

This cycle of birth keeps going in a never-ending cycle. Also, we need to understand that if the native has afflicted weak Bharani, the child might not get enough nutrition. Praying/ remedies of Bharani will be very helpful in solving this issue during pregnancy. Also, issues of the umbilical cord can be having a problem as it is the main source of food for the transforming child.

6. Mahakali: Mahakali is considered a fiery goddess who brings transformations in the universe. As per her iconography, she holds a sword in one hand and a severed head in another. The head represents the ‘ego’ of humanity. The sword is used to separate us from the ‘ego’, to remove the desire and help us escape the material/physical world (Maya) and be closer to the divine. 

In the fight between the energies of Mars and Venus, the Martian ego is killed by the female form to learn our lessons as part of Bharani nakshatra. Also, as Bharani is the birth nakshatra of Rahu, Mahakali helps the native escape from the clutches of the illusion (Maya) of the material world.

7. Winning Over Death

These are the stories where Lord Yama blessed the native with sparing their life.

Sage Markandeya: Sage Mrikandu and his wife Marudhvathi were childless and prayed to Lord Shiva for progeny. Pleased with their austerities of 18 years, Lord Shiva asked them to choose between a dull-witted son who lives a long life or a virtuous, wise and pious son who would die at the age of 16. Without any hesitance, the couple chose for the wise child even though he would die young.

After a while, they were blessed with a son and named him ‘Markandeya’. As per the boon, he mastered all the Vedas and scriptures in a very short time and also started with all the Vedic practices. Naturally drawn to Lord Shiva, he used to always think of Him. However, as time passed by, Markandeya was also growing to reach his 16. 

Aware of their own choice that they had made, both the parents started living in deep sorrow as Markandeya’s end-time came nearer. When he enquired with his parents on the reason for their unhappiness, they confessed. They told him the complete story of his birth and also of the day that he was destined to die. Markandeya smiled at his parents and asked them not to worry. He convinced them that he would definitely win over death.

He started a sadhana for Lord Shiva in the form of Mahakala and Shakti and was immersed in it completely. As his time of death neared, due to being divine, Yamaraj himself came to take Markandeya along. However, he was determined and had complete faith in Lord MahaKaal and Shakti, that he hugged the Mahalingam and sat in deep meditation of Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. Lord Yama tried to use his noose to separate the soul from the body. He threw open the noose towards Markandeya, however, by mistake it also got wrapped around the Shivalinga. Seeing this, Lord Shiva got furious and came alive in the form of Mahakaal and fought a battle with Lord Yama nearly killing him. At that very time, all the Gods descended and calmed down Lord Shiva who agreed to let go of Lord Yama on the condition that he would not harm Markandeya. 

This is one of the times that Yama was defeated and was not able to take life. Also, with the boon from Lord Shiva, sage Markandeya became immortal. He took away the time component from the sage and he still remains with us as an immortal and never aged beyond 16 years old. 

Mrityunjay mantra is the best remedy for strong malefic Bharani, where we see Yama can only take life from a physical body. Shiv Shakti in the form of Mahakaal and Mahakali, are the Lords of space and time. They were able to win over Yama as they removed the time constraint from sage Markandeya. As time passed, sage Markandeya has created the Markandeya Purana.

Savitri and Satyavan: This is the story of an incident when a mortal brought back life from Lord Yama himself. 

Once upon a time, there lived a prosperous and childless king named Ashvapati. He prayed to Lord Savitr for a son to carry forward his legacy. Pleased with the devotion, Lord Savitr instead granted him a daughter ‘Savitri’ and asked the king to trust his daughter as she would carry his name for eternity. 

As she grew to become a beautiful princess, Savitri decided to choose her husband on her own as per the Shastras. She traveled to many parts of the kingdom when she met her match at the forest in the form of Satyavan, a young prince living with his parents. The king has lost sight and consequently his kingdom. Finally, the king decided to lead a humble life in the jungle with his family. She was drawn to them and decided to marry the prince. 

However, when she shared her thoughts with her father, sage Narada was also coincidently present there and revealed that prince Satyavan was destined to live for only one more year. Savitri was numb with shock. Due to her love and devotion, she exclaimed that she has already accepted him as a husband from her heart and the future is theirs together now.

Seeing it as her Dharma, Savitri married the prince and started living with them at the hermitage, not as a princess, but a humble and devoted wife. At the end of the year, she knew what to expect and prepared herself throughout the year with vows and sadhana of Lord Savitr. 

On the final day, she accompanied her husband with the resolve to save his life. As he was cutting the trees, he got tired and lied down near Savitri. She could see life failing him. Soon, with burning in the heart, she saw the lifeless Satyavan on her lap and also Lord Yama who had himself come to take Satyavan’s soul with him. 

Seeing him take away her husband’s soul, she started following Lord Yama pleading him to take her along as well as there is no better virtue for the wife to go with the husband wherever he goes as the true Dharma of a wife. Then, she calls Lord Yama as a friend for walking beside her and how courteous it is to befriend someone who follows dharma. She also praises Lord Yama for his just rule and praises him as King of Dharma. She displays true courage and sacrifice at the readiness to follow them to the path of no return. Seeing her creativity, wisdom and resolve, Lord Yama is pleased and offers her any boon she can ask for other than her husband’s life for all the words of wisdom she spoke. She first asks for her father-in-law’s eyes, then his kingdom. The next wish is for her father to have 100 children. Lastly, she asks for a boon for her and Satyavan to have 100 children as well. Lord Yama was in a dilemma on the final wish. However, impressed with her wisdom and sacrifice, he again asks her to wish to omit the clause of restriction of her husband’s life. Savitri instantly takes the opportunity and asks for Satyavan to return to life. Yama grants life to Satyavan and blesses both of them to attain a life of four hundred years.

We understand with this story that with resolve in the heart, restraint, and dharma in the core, we can change the course of destiny even from the ‘Dharmaraj’. These are the qualities that take the Bharani native ahead in life. Also, from mythology perspective, we understand that Savitri was a blessing from Lord Savitr, who is the father of ‘Yama’ and can be seen as a remedy for strong afflicted Bharani acting as a malefic. 

Dakshina Kali: Mahakali also has a popular form known as “Dakshina Kali” or the ‘Mahakali of the Southern direction’ mainly popular among the Bengali community in India. Mahakali is feared by one and all due to her fiery nature. At one time, she decided to live in the South, where the regent of the South direct Lord Yama resides. When Lord Yama heard of Goddess Kali's name, he fled in terror. It was the fiery nature of Mahakali that Lord Yama did not want to face. 

So, we also understand with this story, how praying to ‘Dakshina Kali’ would be helpful as a remedy for overactive malefic Bharani nakshatra native. It is popularized that those who worship Kali are said to be able to overcome death itself. This can actually be seen as the death of the ego instead of the physical body. 

8. Mahabharata

Lord Yama played an important role during Mahabharata. 

The Pandava King ‘Yudhishthira’: ‘Yudhishthira’ was born with the blessings of the Lord Yama to queen Kunti when she prayed for a son to him. He was also known to follow dharma at all costs to the extent that if anyone wanted to know the truth, all they did was to ask ‘Yudhishthira’ about it.

Reaching deva Loka: It is popularly known that only a pious man can reach deva Loka along with his body. So, after Lord Krishna gave up his mortal body, the Pandavas also renounced their kingdom and planned their final journey to the Deva Loka through mount Sumeru. As they began the journey, a stray dog also accompanied them along the way. The dog was none other than Lord Yama who remained with the Pandavas till the very last moment along with Yudhishthira. 

As Yudhishthira reached the top of the mountain, Indra himself came to pick him up to take him to the heavens. When he was invited by Indra into the heavens, Yudhishthira ensured that the dog accompanies them, arguing that the dog was with them in this last journey and had none of the failings which misled their way like the rest of his brothers and Draupadi who were not able to fulfill their own journeys due to their failings as stated below:

  1. Draupadi: During the journey, she was the first to fall. She claimed to love all her husband’s equally and lived with each of them for a year. However, from her heart, she loved Arjuna and lived with others only to perform her duties. 
  2. Nakula: He was the next to fall from the mountain. The reason for him was that he was the most handsome man of this time. This made him too proud of his appearance and developed a superiority complex in his nature. This was his failing.
  3. Sachdeva: It was his turn to fall the mountain next. He hardly spoke his mind became smug. He always knew what was going to happen as he was a great and wise astrologer. However, instead of always helping everyone, he chose to stay quiet. This failed him in his final journey.  
  4. Arjuna: He fell next from the mountain. He lived in his vanity of being the best archer of his time. Ekalavya and Karna were better archers, however, were moved out of line. This made him live in insecurity all his life. Hence, he was failed in his journey to reach heaven along with the body.
  5. Bhima: He was the last to fall from the mountain just before reaching the top. He started to enjoy his acts of bravery so much that he started to enjoy the suffering it caused to other people as a mark of his strength. This thought failed him to stay pious to go the heaven in the body.

He refused the opportunity to go to the heavens without the dog pleased Lord Yama so much that he came out of the dog in his true form and blessed him to reach Swarga Loka directly. 

This is the same true loyalty and code of conduct that we see from the Bharani natives. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for dharma. This is a true mark of balanced Bharani individuals. 

Attaining Jaya: When Yudhishthira reached Swarga Loka, he realized that he was not able to find his family anywhere. Instead, he saw the Kauravas enjoying their full in the Swarga Loka. When he enquired with, he realized that everyone from his family was sent to Narka Loka (Hell). He was really upset and asked Lord Yama on why this happened. The people due to whom they were forced into war were in heaven, while his family was in hell. Lord Yama told Yudhishthira about the failings of his family due to which they were in hell. Also, Kauravas died valiantly while defending their kingdom. They had earnt the deeds to reach Swarga. 

You have also reached Swarga due to your sense of dharma. You attained Vijay (Victory) when you defeated the Kauravas in the battle. However, even after winning, you are still bearing hatred in your heart. It is the single seed not still eradicated from your heart which will grow a complete forest of negativity. It was the same with your family. 

Then Yudhishthira decided to stay in Narka Loka to completely burn it out of his system before he and his family reached Swarga. This was Jaya (true Victory) which is also the essence of Mahabharata. Not only we need to achieve Vijay, but we also need to move towards the Jaya. It takes patience, restraint and complete transformation within the person to face all the situations. This is also the essence of Bharani.

There is also an interesting fact about Jaya and Vijaya. They are the two gatekeepers (Dwarapalaka) of the abode of Vishnu, at Vaikuntha (abode of Vishnu). Symbolically, you can look at it as if it is telling us that only after you meet both Vijay and Jay in your life, can you enter the abode to meet the Lord himself.

Venus is the Lord of Bharani Nakshatra as per Vimshottari Dasa System propounded by Parashara Maharishi. 

Worshipping Venus helps overcome issues with Bharani Nakshatra.

You may also opt to chant following Puranic mantra for propiating the Venus (16,000 times).

Hima-kunda-mrinalabham daityanam paramam gurum
sarva-shastra-pravaktaram bhargavam pranamamy aham

When translated in English, it means:

"I offer my obeisances to the descendent of Bhrigu Muni, ( i.e., Venus ), whose complexion is white like a pond covered with ice. He is the supreme spiritual master of the demoniac enemies of the demigods, and has spoken to them all the revealed scriptures."

Gayatri Mantra for Venus:

"Om Rajadabaaya vidmahe, Brigusuthaya dhimahi, tanno sukrah prachodayat"

Bharani Nakshatra -  Apabharani Shakti

Bharani is ruled by Yama, the God of Death. It has the power to take things away (apabharani shakti). Its basis above is the removal of life from the body. Its basis below is the carrying of the soul to the realm of the ancestors. By the combination of these three factors creatures move on to the next world. Bharani Nakshatra takes away that which has reached its term of life to a new condition. It shows the movement of the soul
away from the body. Yama guides the soul to the astral plane, where it can experience the result of its karma from the present life and prepare for the life to come. Yama is a figure of discipline and sacrifice.

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra associated with Bharani nakshatra.
(Each Sloka is associated with each Nakshatra Pada, by chanting the sloka pertaining to the Nakshatra Pada in which a person is born, the native gets blessings of Lord Vishnu)

Swayambhoo shambhu radityah pushka raksho maha-svanah |
Anadi nidhano dhata vidhata dhatu ruttamah || (“Bharani 1st Pada")

Aprameyo hrushee-keshah padma-nabho-mara-prabhuh |
Vishva-karma manu-stvastha sthavishtah sthaviro dhruvah || (Bharani 2nd Pada)

Agrahyah shashvatah krishno lohi-takshah pratrdanah |
Prabhoota strikakubdhama pavitram mangalam param || (Bharani 3rd Pada)

Ishanah pranadah prano jyeshthah shreshthah prajpatih |
Hiranya-garbho bhoo-garbho madhavo madhu-soodanah || (Bharani 4th Pada)

Bharani Nakshatra Tree - Amla

Bharani Nakshatra Detailed Info

Key words: Determined, self-restrained, yoga, pranayama, controller of senses, adept in sexual act, truthful, honest, just, free from diseases, good health, strong immunity, skilful, talented, eat less, easily contented, happy, comfortable.

Nature: Ugra (Violent)

Quality: Yama: Yama and Niyama in ashtanga-yoga, self-restrain, overcome death with penance, controller of senses, power to kill, authority to kill, disruptive, free from material bondage.

Symbol: Yoni: Female reproduction organ, new creation, innovation, labour, labour pain, ability to withstand the pain of creation, single minded focus, transformation, passage of time.

Varahamihira: Determined (krta-nishchaya), truthful (satya), healthy (arug), skilful (daksha), happy (sukhi).

Horasara: Quietly disposed mind, unsteady in thinking, after women, dear to his brothers, self-respected, courageous, helpful to friends, long lived, less number of sons.

Hora Ratnam: Skilful in sexual acts (kamopachara), skilful (kushala), truthful (satyavadi), determined (drdhavrta), free from diseases (aroga), fortunate (subhago), eat less (laghubhuksukhi).

Mythologically Bharani is ruled by the god of death Yama. Even though Yama is known by most as the god of death, the true meaning of Yama can be understood from Patanjali’s yoga sutras which talks of the eight limbs of yoga (astanga yoga) and Yama being the first of them, followed by Niyama and so on.

Maharishi Patanjali talks of five forms of restraints (abstinences) which are Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-covetousness), Bharmacharya (celibacy), Aparigraha (non-acceptance of gifts). It is said that Yama is the first person to fulfil the requirements of these 5 forms of abstinences and hence his name is Yama. If we understand the true nature of death, we realise that it is nothing but a phase of transformation of old and worn out state to a new state and also mean consolidation of old experiences and forging ahead of to pass through subsequent phase of new experiences.

The meaning bearing out from these mythologies is that, this nakshatra is the nakshatra of restraint. On one side, this nakshatra represent anything and everything to do with death, on the other, it represents the energy of self restraint from materialistic indulgence and penance. In fact at the time of pregnancy, the mother of the child need to have a good amount of restraint to avoid indulging in anything, this can otherwise be detrimental to the life inside her. In the similar sense, in the developmental stage of any activity, over indulgence in anything else can be a death blow to the activity, since it may cause loss of focus.

The symbol of this nakshatra is Yoni or the female sexual organ, which is the symbol of new birth. Thus this nakshatra symbolises the pain and caution the mother goes through before the birth of the child. This nakshatra also represents revolution or breaking away from old and worn out practices since new life or concept originate after the old one has been dissolved. The energy and drive of Ashvini gives a new dosage of life to create something new, whereas the Bharani’s energy see through the upheaval and change that rise to a new practice, idea or concept. Thus the natives of this nakshatra can be quite revolutionary in their ideals and do not tolerate things which are carried down from the past but do not serve the purpose. Since a change in the established practices is a painful process, the natives need to pass through painful phases in life, when they are hell-bent in changing them. Usually such natives have a very strong character and they can withstand turbulences and turmoil in life with poise and equanimity and eventually grow stronger with each of their experiences. Each such experiences in their life are transformational and they are ever eager to take more such transformational journeys in life. Due to their propensity to withstand negative experience with poise, they are always still on their face, in spite of having a raging volcano or tsunami inside.

Thus the natives ruled by this nakshatra are transformational and revolutionary in their thinking and tend to break away from old and worn out practices to create something new. It conveys ideas pertaining to discipline, self-control, faith, firmness, enduring support, sustenance, nourishment, etc. However, under strong malefic influences, natives of this nakshatra may develop extreme tendencies, as that of criminals and terrorists.

The Ruling Planet (Graha Devta) of Bharani: Venus

The Graha Devta gives the ability to understand the nature of the ruling planet, so that we can work based on the ruling planets and their placements in our chart. As per Vedic Astrology, Venus has the ownership on the Bharani constellation. ‘Bharani’ is the one who bears the responsibility to give transformation. People born under this constellation have the ability to make things alive and working again. It is said that Venus has the boon of “Mrit-Sanjeevani Vidya” from Lord Shiva. The people born in the Bharani Nakshatra will bear pain in life and transform that pain into a boon in their life, and teach others the same. They know how to mould pain in a way that is helpful to them. The creative ability of Venus in Bharani will give the power to rejuvenate any work or project that might have been stuck in the middle, and gives an abundance of success and wealth gains to the native.

The energy source of Bharani Nakshatra (Adhi Devta): 

Yama, “The Dharmraj” Adhi Devta:

The Adhi Devta is the one who gives mental clarity about the ruling planet. Through them, we can come in contact with the energy source related to that ruling planet. Yama “The Dharmraj” , is one of the most important guardians of direction in life, and also known for his strict discipline. The natives born in Bharani Nakshatra follow hard to follow rules and maintain a strict discipline in their lives to get success. Yama is the Adhi Devta, so the native will not be attached to anything that creates an obstruction in his path, whether it related to his personal life or not. A career in the Army, Police, Medicine, or an authoritative position, will be good for the Bharani Nakshatra natives.

Presiding Deity of Bharani Nakshatra:  Goddess Parvati

The Presiding Deity or the Pratyadi Devta who helps us understand the function of the Nakshatras and the Planets in the birth chart, and has the total command on the functions related to the Nakshatras placed in the birth chart. The Goddess Parvati has herself blessed this Nakshatra in the ‘Kamakhya’ form, with the ability to create life, which will be good for the masses.

Gender: Female

The natives born in the Bharani Nakshatra will have the characteristics of a female, whether they may be a male, or female. This means that for a female, the characteristics that are broadly of a female, for example, showing empathy, being motherly and caring would be more in them. As for a male born in this Nakshatra, they would possess some of these characteristics, thus making them more empathetic, caring, and loving than the other males in general.

Dosha: Pitta-Dosha

It represents which diseases could affect the native. Pitta represents the metabolism in the body. Based on the Bharani Nakshatra, Pitta has the same characteristics as the transformation of food and water into energy, through digestion. The Bharani Nakshatra native would be aggressive by nature, which can be harmful to their own selves, and thereby, cold foods like fruits and yogurts, will be good for them. 

Guna: Rajas 

As per Vedic culture, there are three Gunas - Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas, which are the three processes to make life successful. “Bharani Nakshatra” has the Rajas guna that gives the native luxurious life and King like personality. All sorts of comforts will be with the native where ever he will go.

Element:  Earth

Bharani Nakshatra with its earthy elements gives the ability to bear, and rejuvenation power just like the Earth. Natives born in this Nakshatra have the magical ability to project things into life, which are generally rejected by others.

Bird:  Crow/Raven

Birds are highly spiritual creatures, and they come into our lives to give us secret messages that the Universe indirectly sends us. Each Nakshatra has a particular bird symbol which signifies that its energy would be residing within us, as per our constellation/Nakshatra.

At times, it is necessary that we change our perspective, to see new insights. Such is the case when we look at the Crow as the most intelligent bird, and not as an omen, for a little change in life and for new beginnings. A native of the Bharani Nakshatra has the ability to see beyond the normal human thoughts, and help make things happen magically. A Crow never gives up easily and tries hard to achieve its target, whatever it be. In the same way, a Bharani Nakshatra born native will be hardworking, and achieve great success in their lives.

Selecting Names for the Bharani born people:

Just like the classical Raga, the first letter of the name is believed to be very important as per Vedic Astrology, also produces a vibration that is connected with the native. The first letter or sound can be predicted through Vedic Astrology, and giving the baby a name in this way, would create harmony between the human and the Universe. This would help a native will get every happiness and success, which is promised as per his or her birth chart. It is akin to coming within the network coverage area of the Nakshatra they are born in, and thus being able to get proper signals. The sounds and letters Lee, Lu, Le, and Lo are best fitted for a Bharani Nakshatra native.

Tree-related to this Nakshatra:

The tree related to this Nakshatra is the Amla tree or the Phyllanthus Emblica as its scientific Botanical Name. It would be helpful in any kind of digestive problems, that might be faced by a native of the Nakshatra.

Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira Say:

One born in Bharani will be successful at work, truthful,free fromdeseases, capable and free from grief, will be determined, truthful, healthy, skilful and happy.

Yavan Jataka of Yavana Says:

Bharani: One born in Bharani Nakshatra will be skilful in sexual acts, be truthful, resolute in his undertakings, bereft of sickness, fortunate and will eat limited food.

Taittiriya Brahmana an ancient Vedic text Says:

Bharani is ruled by Yama, the God of Death. It has the power to take things away (apabharani shakti). Its basis above is the removal of life from the body. Its basis below is the carrying of the soul to the realm of the ancestors. By the combination of these three factors creatures move on to the next world. Bharani Nakshatra takes away that which has reached its term of life to a new condition. It shows the movement of the soul away from the body. Yama guides the soul to the astral plane, where it can experience the result of its karma from the present life and prepare for the life to come.

Yama is a figure of discipline and sacrifice. Yama is purity, cleanliness, justice and integrity. The sense of restraint is also Yama’s gift; he is the lord of Dharma, a stern disciplinarian, a ruthless expositor of truth, and a refuge for kings and law-abiding subjects.  The Nakshatra of which he is the devata (God) is also in consequence the giver of whatever is good, pure, truthful and honest.

Nakshatra is of a fierce and cruel nature. Suitable for immediate actions, cruel deeds, competition, activities, related to fire, poison, digging wells, agricultural activities. Suitable for poisoning, destruction, fires and cheating. Don’t start a journey, don’t lend money. Good for work with fire or weapons, poison or chemicals, cutting trees, competition. Not suitable for auspicious undertakings.

Bharani Nakshatra Detailed Analysis

The Sanskrit root word

Bhri = to bear, support, to cherish, to nourish, to protect

Other Ancient names of this Nakshatra

Apabharani, Antaka, Barani, Bharni, Bharanya, Kritanta, Krishna, Kali, Tritanta, Yama,

Yamaraksha, Yamuna, Yamya, Yamyabham, Varani


“The Bearer”, also means “Cherishing, Supporting and Nurturing”

Astronomy - Bharani Nakshatra

The number of stars is 3 (35 Arietes, 39 Arietes and 41 Arietes. Also, called as Musca Borealis, which represents the Tail of the Ram. The ancients saw these three stars and heavenly fireplaces and hence the symbol of a triangle is associated with womb)

Yoga Taras (Principle Stars)

Al Butain/ Botein (Delta Arietes), 41 Arietes ( Musca Borealis)

Bharani Nakshatra - Ruled by Venus

Bharani Nakshatra in the Vimshottari Nakshatra Dasa (120 Year Cycle of Timing of Events) system introduced by Rishi Parashara is associated with planet Venus. This association with Venus is only relevant with the Vimshottari based Nakshatra Dasa system and Venus doesn't rule this Nakshatra as is believed and understood misinterpreted in many of the later texts on Nakshatras. The Nakshatras are ruled by the Devatas (Tutelary Archetypes or Principal Dieites). Other Nakshatra based dasa systems given by Rishis Parashara have been associated with other planets that influence this nakshatra and this has to be used judiciously only for studying and interpreting the underlying scheme of Dasa.

Study of the Vimshottari Dasa with this Nakshatra we base the association of Venus with the Karakas (significations) of Venus which includes and not limited to: Beauty, Wife, Art, Artists, Enjoyment, Love, Mantra Study, Passion and Happiness, Education, Humour, Dancing, Sweet Conversation, Handwork, Astrology, Ornaments, Conveyances, Precious Stones, Coral, Pearls, Ministership, Fame, Respect in Assemblies, Pearls, Happiness through Women and from Family and Married Wife, Silver, White Clothes, Gentlemanly Looks, Creation, Good Feelings towards All, Poetical Learning, Happy Meals, Happy Cot/ Seat, Honour, Play/ Songs, Sex, Good Smell of Flowers, Enjoyment in General. Venus is also associated with Lord Parusharam amongst the Dasa Avataars (10 Incarnations) of Vishnu. Venus is also been re#ered to as Amaraari, Asuraguru, Bhrigu, Bhargava, Usnika.

Key Points

' Bharani means the "Bearer" or "She who bears” indicates the need for forbearance, hard work & discipline. Bharani has three faint stars in the formation of an inverted triangle. It is represented by the Vulva or the Womb. This nakshatra bears the energies of Mars and Venus, the union of the feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) reflects the creative, artistic talents, deep spiritual and explosive sexuality desires can be experienced in Bharani (due to Mars/Venus influence)

' According to Atharva Veda, Bharani is the final nakshatra listed, revealing its connection with the end of life

' Bharani Nakshatra’s deity is Yama and he is the son of Sun and Sanjana (the real biological mother) but since he was nourished by his Step Mother (Chaaya), thus Bharani people could have some problems with their mother provided some 4H/4L or Moon connection is seen in a chart and also could feel of some sense of injustice or sense of unfairness and usually the theme of their life is fighting for injustice and Yama is the lord of Dharma so Bharani people some relation with law. Spiritual realms of dying and death. According to Atharvaveda, Bharani is the final nakshatra listed revealing its connection with the end of life Yama, which means restriction/ self-control and Niyama means regulation/ practice. It means forbearance, which means: self-control, restraint and tolerance. Yama and Dharma (God of Morality) are two different deities and not to be confused as one. Yama and Yami and Saturn. He is the King of the Ancestors (Magha a subservient to Bharani). He is the doorkeeper of the South direction. He Upholds the Codes of Social Morality. Metamorphosis (Destroying Old Laws and Giving Birth to New Philosophies. Dispose off things that have come to a Conclusion. Good Finishers)

' Alternative Deity of Bharani is Kali is also associated with this nakshatra as Shakti is the main theme of Bharani. Navarathri (The 9 Nights of the Devi) is the festival of the Devi as Shakti, where the deity is made from clay (Earth Element), worshiped and then immersed in the water for the Devi to re-shaped and create from mother earth (procreation and creation) the next year

' Symbol of Bharani is the Vulva (Receive, Hold, Nurture and Destroy). Egyptian Civilization considers it the doorway between different worlds (Soul entry from the astral plane to the physical world). Vedic Point it ascribes to Birth, Death, Resurrection (Regeneration), Transformation (Sunrise and Sunset). Bharani carries a lot of Occult and Tantric Potential.

' Bharani is also associated with the life giving power of the female womb. The horns of Aries are said to resemble the female reproductive system. Just like the womb which carries new life in the form of foetus for several months. Hence Bharani carries the powerful urge to create and procreate. Apa Bharani Shakti (The power to ‘bear’ or ‘cleanse & remove impurities’) makes Bharani good with project planning, ideating, to develop & germinate them for a period, before moving them to the desired level of fruition.

' Another symbol of this nakshatra is a "Boat". It symbolizes transportation between different planes and realms of existence. “Vaitarini” the Celestial River after life passes through Southern gates of Yama Loka (Land of Dead)

' Key Words: Extremes, Explosive Energy, Restraint, Caution, Jealousy, Morbidity, Secrecy, Forbearance, Struggle, Sacrifice, Discipline, Truthfulness, Self-Control, Sexuality, Nurturing, Maternal Love, Fame, Success, Riches, Pioneering, Exploratory, Revolutionary, Judgmental, Moralistic. Bharani carries all the above attributes

' Bharani Nakshatra natives have Large Expressive Eyes, a Prominent Head, Medium Sized Lips and Smile that can "Kill" (Smile is the Most Distinguishable Feature of a Bharani). Another striking feature of Bharani women is their luxuriant and striking hair, especially for Moon in Bharani natives. The themes of Twins or very attached to their Siblings are commonly seen in Bharani

' Key Traits of Bharani are: Judgmental, Fighter of a Cause or Social Justice, Subscribe to Revolutionary Social Philosophies, Judgmental and Moralistic (sometimes negative), self-controlled, with a strong sense of duty, like the moth which jumps from one source of light to another (Need Guidance from a more mature and wiser source). Examples: Social activist & philosopher Karl Marx has his Moon in Bharani, Sigmund Freud the Psychoanalyst has his Sun in Bharani which gave him pioneering and explorative nature, Saddam Hussein has his Sun in Bharani which gives him pride, arrogance and resentment

' Animal Symbol of Bharani is the Male Elephant, reflects the ability to carry the burden of humanity. It is very difficult for other nakshatras to satisfy the elephant's sexual drive (Madha Masta) with the exception of Revati. Bharani is the most sexual amongst the nakshatras, in some cases it can shun sex completely to a point of perversion

' Bharani heralds Venusian energy which is primarily Rajasic Guna in nature and belongs to the Earth element which can be explained by the animal which is an elephant the biggest and largest animal in the world

' Guru Shukracharya had Sanjivini vidya, the knowledge to revive the dead to life. This is related to the synod cycle of Venus, which is 584 days. The Venus is seen in the eastern horizon during sunrise for 263 days (symbolic of birth) as the morning star and later disappears for 50 days (symbolic of death) and then is seen with the setting sun in the western horizon as the evening star for another 263 days (resurrection/ regeneration), to disappear for another 8 days before repeating

Bharani Nakshatra mentions from the Scriptures

“Bharani rules those that feed on blood and flesh, cruel men, those that are engaged in killing, imprisoning and beating other, cereals, low-born persons, and those who are devoid of courage (character or nobility).”

- Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira (Chapter XV, Stellar Ruler-ship)

“If at a person's birth, the Moon be in the star of Bharani he will have a defective limb, be addicted to another's wife, cruel, ungrateful and will possess wealth”

- Jataka Parijata, Nakshatra Palam (Adh. IX, Sloka 84-90)

“Blood and Flesh, Cruel Minded, Interested in Killing, Binding and Beating, Born of Low Pedigree, Lacking Sattwic Qualities, Prison Employees, Gangsters.”

- Dhruva Nadi

“Hatha Yoga, Driving Out Evil Influences, Purification Like Fasting or Silence”

- Muhurta Chintamani (2.15)

“Those born in Bharani nakshatra will have fickle mind, arrogant, jealous, loved by females, very attractive, sleeps lot, have ushna shareera (hot body constitution), unclean, have curly hair, helpful to others, truthful, will have matsya rekha (fish-like mark) in the naval portion.”

- Daivagna Vilasa

Deity - Yama - The God of Death

Yama or Yamaraja is the God of death, the south direction, and the underworld, belonging to an early stratum of Rigvedic Hindu deities. In Sanskrit, his name can be interpreted to mean "twin". In the Zend-Avesta of Zoroastrianism, he is called "Yima". According to the Vishnu Purana, Yama is the son of sun-god Surya and Sandhya, the daughter of Vishvakarma. Yama is the brother of Sraddhadeva Manu and of his older sister Yami, which Horace Hayman Wilson indicates to mean the Yamuna. According to the Vedas, Yama is said to have been the first mortal who died. By virtue of precedence, he became the ruler of the departed, and is called "Lord of the Pitris". He is otherwise also called as “Dharmaraja".

Symbol - Yoni

The Vulva or Celestial Yoni (the Female Organ of Reproduction/ Orififice of the Womb), A Triangle, A Boat is alternative Symbol of this Star, Symbolizes Transportation between Di#erent Planes & Realms of Existence. This Nakshatra is also symbolized by a “Clay Pot” or Womb that Contains Shakti the Divine Feminine Creative Power, A Fireplace consisting of Three Stones (Represents the Belly of Agni)

Sacred Animal - Male Elephant

The sacred animal of Bharani Nakshatra is the Elephant. Airavata is a mythological white elephant that carries the Hindu God Indra. Lord Ganesh also has a connection with Elephant. Lord Brihaspati also is seen riding an elephant. Gajalakshmi, that is Lakshmi with elephants, is one of the most significant Ashtalakshmi aspects of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. In this aspect, the goddess is depicted seated on a lotus, flanked on both side by an elephant (gaja). Elephant symbolizes power, strength, honor, stability and tenacity and these qualities have a connection with Bharani nakshatra. In the ancient times elephant were used as a mode of transport. The transport associated with Bharani Nakshatra is about death, which paves way for new life!

Stories about Yama - Bharani Nakshatra

The potentialities inherent in Bharani can be unraveled through the mythology of Yama, the deity associated with this nakshatra. Yama the god of death has been associated with numerous stories throughout the puranas and the Vedas. Exposing to them gives us a sense of the cipher to be used to have a crack the energy of Bharani. Before Yama became the god of death, he is associated with his twin sister Yami. The Rig Veda 10.10.1 reveals a curious conversation between Yami and Yama. Yami, desirous of a child, requests sexual consummation with Yama. Yama shows great restraint in denying her request, speaking of how sexual consummation with siblings do not befit mortal men or women. Yami relentless of her desire to procreate tries to convince her brother by pointing out that the gods themselves did so. Yama replies to her stating that who knows what the gods actually did and what the scriptures mean. Yami finally gives the assertion that both Yama and Yami were lying together naked in the same womb. Yama sticks to his ground, and states his code and becomes an exemplary example of sticking to one’s moral code at the cost of pleasure. Yama was the son of Vivasvwat (Marthanda the Sun god), and Sanjhana, the daughter of Celestial architect, Tvastr, born alongside Yami and Manu. Sanjhana (name translates to) being unable to bear the radiance of the Sun creates her clone, Chaya to replace her. Sanjhana goes to her father’s palace and eventually becomes a mare grazing the planes of the Earth. Unknowing of Sanjhana’s ploy, Vivasvat begets children through Chaya, Sani, Manu, and Tapti. Naturally Chaya pays more attention to her children more than Sanjhana’s children. Manu accepted his fate, while Yama was unable to do so. So he kicked Chaya in her stomach with his leg. Infuriated Chaya curses his leg to be riddled with sores and worms and be weakened. Yama tells Vivasvat that no mother would curse her own child. Vivasvat makes Chaya spill out the whole story of what Sanjhana did. Vivasvat makes lightens up the curse on Yama’s leg by giving him a cock that eats out the worms and cures his discharge, and blesses him to be the keeper of justice. Vivasvat then goes onto meet Sanjhana’s father Vishwakarma and eventually gives birth to Ashwini kumars as was described in the earlier chapter. Yama is called as Shirnapada, or the one with Shriveled foot.

Another story describes how Yami found Yama who was lying under a tree. Upon shaking Yama, he doesn’t wake up. Yami realizes that her brother Yama was mortalized, or died. He thus became the first man to die. Yami is said to have cried a river of tears that seems to be overwhelming for the gods. The gods are supposed to have created night to calm down Yami. When the next dawn arrived, Yami stopped crying, and said that Yama died “yesterday”, and there is new “hope” with the new day. Yami supposedly became the river Yamuna.

As per RV Yama became the first mortal to find the path to heaven. Being the first mortal, by virtue of his seniority, he was given the authority to guide souls through their sojourn from the mortal world to the world of the ancestors. Yama judges each individual soul based on his or her deeds, and determines whether the soul moves forward towards higher loka such as Pitru loka / heaven or is directed towards the purgatory of hell, where they face the consequences of their actions. Depending upon the soul’s karma, especially if they are moderate, the soul is then redirected back to Earth so as to learn lessons and improve his karmic account.Yama is also called Dakshinasapathi, and also becomes the regent of the south quarter. Over time as the intricacies of actions of all the souls become detailed and more complex, the Pitru loka expands into different specific areas. To meet his expanding needs, he is supposed to have requested Vishwakarma to create a vast and expansive palace for him. Opposite its south door, Vishwakarma created four pits to punish the wicked. The three other doors work are reserved for the good souls to enter, so that they do not see the punishment area when they are being judged by Yama, who sits on his grand central throne. The legendary palace is 800 miles in Circumference. The palace is surrounded by a vast trench of water, which becomes the Vaitarnee river, which allows easy passage for the good souls, but evil souls begin to suffer torments and pangs while crossing as Agni that had entered this river boils the water for them based on their misdeeds. The porter Vaidhyata, guards the entry of souls to his palace for judgment. The palace, is referred to as Kalichi (translation) and also christened as “Sanjeevani” by Brahma, is supposed to have been fifilled with luxuries of all kinds imaginable. The musician Gandharvas, and the dancing Apsaras nourish the souls in all kinds of delights and luxuries imaginable. Such is the splendor of the palace, that there is no fear of enemies or any kind of sorrow associated with the Earthly plane. The souls that possess lighter karma rest at this palace obtaining their rewards for their karma in comforts according to their deeds of charity before they move forwards towards the Pitru Loka.

Yama becomes the king of the Pitris, or the ancestors and the lord of justice, DharmaRaj. To assist him in his tasks of bringing souls, his messengers, the yama dhutas, go forth to collect the souls that are about to die. Chanda and Kala Purusha, are his two chief attendants and custodians. His minister, Chitragupta the karmic accountant, keeps records of all the karmic transactions by a soul in the book of destiny, Agrasandhani, and assists by sharing the karmic record to Yamaraj, who then decides the path the soul is to take towards Pitru Lok or back to Earth or to hell realms of naraka, so that the soul can wash away his sins and cleanse himself onwards towards his path to salvation.

Yama is pictured riding a solemn and stern water buffalo, often with a mace on one hand, and an iron noose on the other. Some iconography shows him carrying his iron staff instead, with a noose at its end. He has lotus shaped eye. He is shown in black/ blue/green color clothed in red with a majestic crown on his forehead. He is often shown with a stern face, with a slightly gloomy look. Sometimes with a charming face and resplendent smile to the virtuous souls. Over time he has also been shown as a terrifying deity full of wrath and anger, with thin lips, the color of smoke, fierce, roaring like the ocean of destruction, and a crown of burning flame. He has long teeth, nails like winnowing baskets, and a frowning brow. Two dogs, born to Sarama (the fleet one) the bitch that guards herds of Indra, possessing four eyes and wide nostrils also accompany Yama. They guard the road to his abode and the departed souls are advised to hurry past with all possible speed. Often these dogs act as messengers of death. More often than not, birds crows and pigeons are send as the herald of doom.

Yama has also been given many names, descriptive of his o&ce. Mrityu, Kala and Antaka “death”; Kritanta “the fifinisher”; Shamana “the settler”; Dandodhara “the rod bearer”, Bhimashasana “of dreadful judgments”; Pashi “the noose-carrier”; Pitripati,“Lord of the pitris/manes”; Pretaraja, “King of the ghosts”; Shraddha deva, “god of funeral rites”. Audumbara, “the fifig tree”; Vaivasvata, son of Vaivasvat. The book  Dharmashatra also bears his name.

One of the characters with whom Yama had to deal with was Ravana. When Ravana attacked the gods Yama supposedly took the form of a crow. Ravana had been given the boon not to be defeated by any god. Unable to find any gods, all the gods had assumed shapes of birds. Indra had taken the shape of the Peacock, while Yama had sought refuge in the shape of a crow. After Ravana leaves, Yama who is pleased with the crow, blesses the crow by saying that as long as humans don’t eat them, the crow will never go hungry. The crows have ever since been linked with the Pitris and the ancestors, and quite often post-ancestor rituals, the food is offered for the crows to be fed.

Ravana wasn’t the only mortal to escape Yama’s noose of death on account of a trimurti. Ajamila is supposed to have been a wicked man who escaped death, by virtue of having called out his son’s name Narayana at his final moment of his death. This act caused Vishnu to send his messengers, who prevented Yama dhuthas from carrying his soul to Yama lok. Vishnu being one of the primordial trimurthi got preference and asked Ajamilla to change his ways, which Ajamilla did, and eventually became a celestial immortal. A robber, is supposed to have escaped Yama dhutas by having chanted Ahara (Catch it), and Prahara, thereby calling forth Hara or Shiva at the moment of his death and asked him to change his ways. The robber agreed to do that and was reborn as a king in his future life. A famous tale that captured imaginations for centuries was that of Savitri. The devoted wife of Satyavan followed Yamaraj all the way to Yama lok at the point of death of her husband. Impressed by her persistence of being a good wife staying beside her husband, Yama grants her a favor, anything except her husband’s life. She asks that her father in law’s sights be restored and that he gets his kingdom back. Still following Yama after the fifirst favor, Yama is again impressed, but now more frustrated and gives her a second favor. Savitri asks that her father begets more children for she was the only child. Even after this favor, Yama is frustrated and asks Savitri to leave him alone, upon which Savitri asks him to get lots of children but from Satyavan. Yama grants her favor to get rid of her, only to realize that he has to let go of Satyavan now, and that he has been outwitted by Princess Savitri. All of Yama’s favors get fulfilled, and Savitri was able to live happily with Satyavan there after with their children.

The another famous one amongst them all is definitely Sage Markandeya, the great devotee of Shiva. Markandeya was only given a few years of his life. Markandeya showed great devotion towards Shiva, and would do daily pooja to the Shiva Linga. When the moment of death arrived for Markandeya, who was still doing pooja to Shiva, the yama dhutas were afraid of taking his life away of his pooja to the great lord. Yama himself had to come and wrapped Markandeya around the linga with his iron noose, and tried dragging him away. Markandeya is supposed to have chanted the Chandra Ashtothara stotra and Maha mrityunjana mantra. Lord Shiva intervened, and was infuriated that his devotee would be harmed, and his representation on Earth, Shiv Linga be dared to be even dragged away by Yama. He destroyed Yama to ashes, and is supposed to have saved Markandeya. The gods then begged Yama to be restored for the world would be out of balance without death and consequences. Shiva supposedly restored Yama to life and the world to balance. The fact that Yamraj reports to Lord Shiva, the trimurti that is associated with death and destruction, can be clearly seen in this story. 

Yama is also supposed to have been the father of Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas, who was born through the boon Kunti obtained. He was the eldest of the Pandavas, who was as just as his father. Yama also supposedly had several wives, Hemamala (Golden Garland), Sushila (Good natured one), and Vijaya (Victory). One of the more famous stories associated with Yama is his encounter with Nachiketa as is mentioned in the Katha Upanishad. Nachiketa the young son of sage Vajashravas, who angered his father with his relentless questions, waited for Yama outside of his palace, to get access to him to ask him about the truth of death for 3 days. When Yama reaches his palace to fifind a young Brahmin waiting, he is impressed by his patience and grants him 3 boons. Nachiketa initially asks his father’s anger to be removed. Then he sought knowledge of the sacred fire and the associated ritual, which is explained by Yama to him. Finally Nachiketa asks Yama to tell him about the truth about having heard that someone who is dead isn’t supposed to be dead at all. Yama tries to entice Nachiketa with all the riches and wealth and glory of the Earthly realm, which Nachiketa speaks as being of the transient and has no eternal value other than truth. Pleased at the young boy’s determination Yama opens up the discourse of wisdom, that is considered to be one of deepest mystical wisdom ever to be shared. This is a useful compilation of all the stories of Yamaraj. Yama forms the substratum of the karmic patterns to be expressed through the constellation of Bharani.

Weakness / Shadow Issues

' Occasionally addicted to sex, food or drugs, narcissism can be observed

' Sense of struggle and su#ering, because it is also called “the Star of Restraint” Ugra (Fierce or Severe) nakshatra which can relate to imprisonment or other forms of confifinement.

' A restless, irritable and impatient nature may be present

' Person may be a moralist, judgmental or carry everything to an extreme

' Pride, arrogance and resentment may be experienced

' Hypochondria, over indulgence in sexuality, vanity and narcissism can also be observed under Bharani

' Interest in defifining moral and ethics often from a philosophical point of view which can sometimes make the native unyieldingly stubborn and a tendency to pursue their goals despite heavy odds

' Bharani is also often associated with wars and revolutionary activities often seen

emanating from immigrant Bharani

' Bharani natives are sometimes seen to have a deep need to privacy, secrecy and mystery, especially seen more in later stages of their lives. This could a result of the suppressive and life of compulsive tolerance that they lived during the first half of their lives. Struggles and sufferings often make them hardened with social principles and ideologies which often very difficult to change

' Some of the Bharani natives may have tendency to be involved with nurturing or parenting, especially children with special needs. Single parenting or unusual and scandalous pregnancies are also associated with Bharani.

Favorable Activities when moon transits Bharani Nakshatra

Creative and Martian Activities (Severe, Cruel, Destructive, Competitive or Warlike), Sexual, Amorous, Procreative, Agriculture & Fertility Rites, Beginnings/Endings, Acts involving Fire, Postponed or Neglected Activities, Asceticism which requires Self Discipline, Fasting or Purifificatory Rites, Dealing with Children 

Unfavorable Activities when moon transits Bharani


Travel (Bharani relates to Tra&c Jams and Accidents), Patience, Initiations, In Present Day and Age Good for Conclusions than Beginnings

Career Interest

Babysitters, Nannies, Nursery School Teachers, All Professions involving Children,

Professions connected with Amusement, Theme Parks, Children's Toys Industry,

Gynecologists, Midwives, All Professions connected with Birth & Death, Professions

related to Fertility Clinics, O&cials handling Birth and Death Records, Dancers from all

Schools and Styles, Tobacco, Co#ee and Tea Industry, Cooks, Caterers, Hoteliers,

Professions connected to Slaughterhouses, Veterinarians, Film & Entertainment

Industry, Models, Occultists, Judges, Volcano & Earthquake Experts, Geophysicists,

Biologists & Microbiologists, Seed & Fertilizer Industry, Gynecology, Film and Music

Industry, Distribution, Production, and Processing of Food, Publishers, Writers, Film

and Music Industry, Occultists, Psychics, Hypnotists, Astrologers, Psychologists,

Entrepreneurs, Business People, Financial Consultants, Lawyers, Building Contractors.

Important themes

' Artistry and creative energies of Bharani comes from Venus being the lord of this nakshatra

' Also since it is ruled by the planet of beauty and enjoyment Venus and

symbolized by the ‘Vulva’ the female reproductive organ, a Bharani type will

enjoy all the carnal pleasures of life. They show a passion for entertainment and

amusement. Zeal for food, sex, drinks and in some instances if inflfluenced by

malefific can show addiction to all the above. In some cases where the Lagna

Lord is placed here under malefific inflfluences can also suggest repression of all

the above indicators and can turn be the worst of the moralists

' The nakshatra is in an Agni Rashi (Fiery Sign) and Aries is ruled by Mars. Hence

there is aggressive temperament of an ‘Agni Rashi Tamo Guna’. This can give

the native pioneering and innovative skills but with an strong overtone of

stubbornness and sti#ness, ‘It is my way or the highway’ types sometimes 

' Bharani is an Ugra nakshatra and has a cruel disposition. The shakti of Bharani

is Apabharani Shakti the Power to “Take Things Away and Move On”. Hence

there can traits of withdrawal from the public life in later stages of life. They can

be mysterious people shrouded in privacy and living a life of solitude. This can

turn the extreme case to go from carnal pleasures to a life of restraint. This can

take them back to ‘the womb’ or enclosures like an ashram, hospital or a jail,

etc. It has also been observed that the Bharani native can experience chronic

anxiety about their health and show signs of fussiness and sometime

suppressed eating habits

' Bharani natives can be stubborn and unyielding in nature. Note that the animal

symbol is the Elephant, which always moves ahead without straying from its

path. They can be hard work and enterprising individuals

' Being ruled by Venus energy and symbolized by the womb this nakshatra can

bring traits of nurturing and parenting. If a)icted and under malefific inflfluences

then it can suggest di&cult marital karmas and disharmony in family life. Single

parenting and unusual or scandalous pregnancies (illegitimate children) can also

be seen in Bharani

' The deity of Bharani is Yama who prompts the natives to fifight for social causes

and justice. They have the ability to make good judgments in life and are driven

by a strong sense of duty. They can sometimes be very moralistic.

' Just like Yama and his twin sister Yami who were very attached to each other,

Bharani natives may have a sibling who can be very attached to them and

sometimes controlling and jealous.


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