Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika Nakshatra Natives benefit by praying to Ucchista Ganapati.

Significance of Ucchista Ganapati
Ucchista Ganapati is regarded as the 8th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The Sanskrit word ‘Ucchista’ literally means the remains and leftovers, but in this context, carries a Tantric connotation. Ucchista Ganapati is considered a tantric aspect of Lord Ganesha and denotes the blessed offerings. Ucchista Ganapati is blue in complexion, is in a sitting posture and is depicted with his consort Goddess Shakti Devi seated comfortably on his left lap. He has six hands, the main left of which gently embraces his consort, and the rest of his hands hold in them, a japa mala of Rudraksha beads, a pomegranate fruit, fresh sprig of paddy, blue lotus and the stringed instrument Veena. The end of his trunk rests on the thigh of the Goddess.

He can be seen as a sculpture in the Maha Ganapati temple in the Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram and some temples in Mysore region in Karnataka, where all the 32 Ganapati forms are on display. Ucchista Ganapati can also be worshipped in an idol form, in the famous Rockfort Ucchi Pillayar hill temple, Thiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu.

Karthigai Star, also known as Krittika Nakshatra is said to be related to Ucchista Ganapati.

Blessings of Worshipping Ucchista Ganapati
Ucchista Ganapati is considered a superior aspect of Lord Ganesha. It is firmly believed by his devotees that worshipping this Lord shall help gain his abundant blessings and bestow with success in endeavors, advancement in career, betterment in life and a predominant position in society.

Mantra for Ucchista Ganapati
Neelaabja dhaadimeeveena shaleepunjaaksha soothrakaha

Dadhad ucchishtanaamaayam ganeshahapaatu mechakha

Meaning: ‘The one, who devours the remnants of food,’ describes his form and prays for his grace and blessings.

Chanting the Ucchista Ganapati mantra with faith can be an effective means of propitiating this powerful Lord. 

Krittika Nakshatra Tree

Krittika Nakshatra

Key words: Strong metabolism, avid eater, strong libido, fond of sex, fond of company of women, serious, sagacious, skilful, talented, sharp intellect, honour, dignity, charitable, generous, philanthropic.

Quality: Mishra (mixed)

Deity: Agni: Fire, energy, messenger, carrier, receiver of sacrifices for onward conveyance to other deities, brilliance, resplendence, ever-young, immortal, ten undisclosed powers nourish Agni, ever awake, disseminator of knowledge, possessed of all fame, stand for the Atman, birth of lord Kartikeya is associated with the Krttika, Agni rides the goat, animal sacrifices, power of heat and light, determination united with wisdom, strong libido, strong masculinity, sharpness, sharp intellect.

Symbol: Razor/ Dagger: Knife, sharp, sharp-intellect, incisive, precise, painful, unkind, unforgiving.

Varahamihira: Voracious eater (bahubhuk), fond of other’s wives (para-daaraarata), splendorous (tejasvi).

Horasara: No ability of rectify (wrong course), strong, fickle minded, fond of eating, extremely brilliant, many dwelling places, very talkative.

Hora Ratnam: Splendorous (tejasvi), intelligent (matimaan), charitable (daata), voracious eater (bahubhuk), fond of opposite sex (pramada-priya), sagacious (gambhira), skilful (kushala), honourable (maani).

Mythologically Agni (fiery element) is the ruler of this nakshatra and thus shows the tremendous potential lie within the purview of this nakshatra. Fire is the creator of all beings be it living or non living, tangible or intangible as it represents the energy required for the creation process. They like to take on big projects and are highly ambitious and self-motivated. Due to the burning fire, which is every eager to destroy darkness and ignorance within, these native are ever eager to learn newer things. They are logical, skeptical, creative, enthusiastic, enterprising and skilful in engineering however their fortune is unsteady like the flames of fire.

Due to its fiery nature it is related to command, power, lustre, glow, brilliance, and the creative force. However, Kṛttikā being a female nakshatra, it dwells in passivity and requires, stimulus from outside to let loose its creative potencies. The symbol of a razor, which cuts and fire as deity which burns, it indicate wars, trials and tribulations in the life of native, where the native acts as the commander, trying to control or win over the situations. This nakshatra is often known as the seat of power and one in which Chandra (Moon — mind) was born.

Agni is the god for sacrifice, which means it has the ability to burn up the negativities and purify things, a state which is attained after the fire sacrifices. The thing which is sacrificed here is the ego and the negative side of self. Due to its nature of burning up of follies, it has the power to give a new lease of life and guide the native to take corrective actions. Thus it has the capability to initiate changes in life, which helps in undoing mistakes and follies of past.

Due to the fiery nature of the nakshatra, natives of this nakshatra have a cutting wit that can sometimes be sarcastic and critical. They are stubborn, aggressive and can be short-tempered. Due to their fiery and independent nature they are likely to have strained relations with relatives, friends and spouse. They are well-versed academically, fond of opposite sex, bright in appearance, misers, of worried nature and achieve widespread fame. Their speech is usually harsh and do not show sense of gratitude to their well wishers, which eventually take them away from others and make them lone.

Due to strong fire within they have strong appetite and their thirst is difficult to be quenched. Hence, these persons are gluttons, fond of spicy foods. Mythology also states that Krittika is the foster mother of Kartikeya (Skanda), the commander in chief and son of Shiva. Thus this nakshatra also indicate foster motherhood among other things

Krittika Nakshatra's association with Lord Subrahmanya
Ruling Planet for Krittika Nakshatra as per Parashara's Vimshottari Dasa is Sun.
Lord Vishnu's Avatar associated with planet Sun is Lord Rama.


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