Pushya nakshatra

Maha Ganapati is the form associated with Pushya nakshatra.
Significance of Maha Ganapati
Maha Ganapati is regarded as the 13th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The word ‘Maha’ simply means ‘great’ and can represent a distinguished status too. Maha Ganapati is hence, ‘the great Ganesha,’ who holds special significance. In this form, he has some similarity with his father Lord Shiva , as he too has three eyes and also sports a crescent Moon on his head. He is bright red in color, has seated his consort on his left lap and though single-faced, has as many as ten hands. He holds in them, his own broken tusk, a discus, a mace, a noose, a sugarcane bow, a sprig of paddy, a lotus, a blue lily, a pomegranate fruit and a Ratna Kumbha (pot of precious gems).

This form of Ganesha can be seen as a painting in the Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram and as a sculpture in some temples in Mysore region, where all the 32 Ganapati forms are on display. Maha Ganapati can also be worshipped in an idol form, in the famous Krishna temple at Dwaraka, in the Gujarat state, where none other than Lord Krishna himself is said to have offered prayers to him.

Star Poosam, also known as Pushya Nakshatra is said to be related to this Ganapati.

Blessings of Worshipping Maha Ganapati
Maha Ganapati is a very important aspect of Lord Ganesha, significant and powerful. Worshipping him is believed to bestow on devotees immense merit and good prosperity. Praying to him daily with sincerity can make devotees attain glory in their respective fields.

Mantra for Maha Ganapati
The mantra, which reads as under in Sanskrit, sings the praise of this ‘Great Ganapati’, describes his form and prays for his grace and blessings.

Hastheendhraanan mindhuchoodmaroona chchaayam trinetramrasaath

Aashlishtam piryayaasapadhmakarayaa svaanthasthayaa samsthitham

Beejaapoorakadhekshu kaarmukalasath chaktraabja paashothpala

Vreehyaagrasva vishaanratnakalashaan hasthairva hanthambhaje

Chanting the Maha Ganapati mantra with faith, can be an effective means of propitiating this illustrious Lord.

Pushya nakshatra - Tree

Pushya nakshatra

Peaceful, kind hearted, compassionate, empathetic, scholar, wise, scholarly, discerning, knowledgeable in various art forms, wealthy, righteous, religious, honour the gods and brahmins, fortunate, famous, valorous, adventurous, fearless, strong libido, short-stature.

Deity: Brhaspati: Devaguru, the most knowledgeable one, advisor of the gods, teacher of all forms of spiritual and philosophical knowledge, scholar, wise, pure, righteous, honourable, dignified, not frivolous, fearless, good luck, protection from danger, morality, exalted principles, protector of the Dharma, wealth, prosperity, fruits of the labour, future, progress of the future.

Symbol: Cow’s udder, lotus, arrow and circle: Milk = Motherly love, care, nourishing, compassion, peaceful, kind hearted, empathetic, milk = intellect, lotus = wisdom, wise, scholarly, discerning, knowledgeable in various art forms, milk = wealth, wealthy, lotus = purity, righteous, honour the gods and scholars, fortunate.

Varahamihira: Peaceful (shaanta-atma), fortunate (subhaga), scholar (pandita), wealthy (dhani), righeous deeds (dharma-sansrta).

Horasara: Angrily disposed, intelligent, bold, talkative, learned in many disciplines, helpful to his relatives, wealthy, independent.

Hora Ratnam: Fortunate (subhaga), famous (prathita), valorous (shoora), kind (krpalu), righteous (dharmika), wealthy (dhani), knowledge of various art forms (kala-abhigna), follower of truthful path (satya-rata), libidinous (kaami), short stature (laghu).

Pushya means something that can nourish. The position of this nakshatra in the nakshatra mandala after Punarvasu suggests something which can sustain the creation that happened in the previous nakshatra. While Punarvasu is known for the creative potencies, this nakshatra is known for sustenance and growth. This is ruled by Brhaspati, the preceptor of the adityas (the virtuous and spiritual ones) and is also known as Jiva or the life force (or pranic energies). The sum-total of all the energies for this nakshatra is to live a fulfilling life.

Unlike creation, which involves a painful and unsteady process of creation of new things, sustenance requires establishment of what has been created. Sustenance also implies establishing standards and processes and requires that the beings of the creation follow them, without which the nature will be chaotic and lack sustainability. The potencies to follow established laws and governance make the natives of the nakshatra obedient to the law of the land.

Like Brhaspati, these natives are also driven by a sense of sharing their knowledge and teaching others. Needless to say this need to teach makes them learn and master varied disciplines. They are thus multifaceted and are eloquent speakers of multiple disciplines. They make good teachers as they have a strong sense of the need of his students and what needs to be taught to fulfil their needs. What makes them unique however is their capacity to draw knowledge from multiple disciplines to make their point and enriching what they teach. Although this is generally a positive trait of these natives, it can also negatively manifest as arrogance and snobbishness. They often have a sense of superiority of their knowledge over others and at time they become arrogant and condescending. They often fall prey to a teacher student relationship in places where it is not warranted such as marital relationship and friendship etc. i.e., they behave like teachers where it is not required. Needless to say that they are inclined towards profession which involves teaching such as teachers, professors, preachers etc.

Nevertheless, they are respected for their knowledge and understanding and often take the role of advisors to influential people. Their understanding of vision and strategy can also make them seek professions such as strategy consulting or advisory services. It is good to have natives of this nakshatra in key planning and policy making positions of a state. Due to their allegiance to the state law, they are extremely intolerant towards any violations and if they become judge, they are utterly ruthless in giving punishments. They do not judge if certain laws are in favour of the people of the land and often go by what is established. While this is good in places where the laws are rightful, however, in places where it is not these natives become the ruthless executioners of the law without question.

The abundance of spiritual energy of Brhaspati makes them spiritual and philosophers like the natives of Punarvasu. However, unlike the natives of Punarvasu, who try to understand the philosophies related to creation, these natives try to understand how to enrich people’s life. This makes them good in understanding the underlying philosophies of economics and politics. As a spiritual teacher they are known for their ability to understand complex doctrines and more than that their ability to explain that to lay man. Since they like to stick to the established practices, they are dogmatic and would praise their culture, tradition and religion over others. This also makes them lesser adaptive to newer thoughts and ideas and they are not inclined towards any breakthrough innovations. They can however, be interested in incremental innovation to make established things better. Their dogmatism and strong allegiance to their own culture and religion sometimes can also manifest in terms of fundamentalism and victimisation of minorities, especially when the Lagnesha is afflicted.

Their hard work, patience and intellect can take them quite far in their career and they can easily rise to the top management. However, due to their affiliations to established rules and regulations, they are lesser adaptive to the fast changing socio-political, environmental and market conditions. They need to learn to be more receptive and adaptive to new thoughts and ideas. Although, this is quite unsettling to these natives, they can eventually adapt to that. Due to the influences of Jupiter such natives are charitable and get engaged in various humanitarian activities. They are deeply empathetic towards the underprivileged and try to uplift their life through various means. They are emotional and sensitive and hence are moved by the misery and sorrow in the world.

Although they are spiritual and philosophical they are still attracted by wealth and opulence. Thus they are engaged in various material pursuits and eventually succeed to attain that due to their hard work, intelligence and their ability to influence people. However due to their charitable attitude they share their wealth for various social causes. As the nakshatra suggests, they like to nourish and feed the society not only with thoughts by also with other material means such as food programs for orphanages etc.

They have strong need of social affiliation and they thrive in company of others. Due to this need, they are overly concerned about their public image and are ever engaged in the pursuit of developing a positive image. In a way, their self image and self confidence is directly linked to their public image. Thus if their image is hurt, they can be shattered. Their sensitivity towards their public image makes them vulnerable, which can be exploited by people.

As the nakshatra name suggests they love to eat to the extent of becoming overweight and obese. They can suffer with diseased which happens due to abundance such as high cholesterol, heart troubles, diabetes and at times hormonal imbalances. They have a strong digestive system which makes them hungry quite often. They should however be mindful of what they are eating and should exercise caution while eating junk and high calorie foods.


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