Revati Nakshatra - "The Wealthy Star"

Sankasta Ganapati is the form associated with Revati Nakshatra

Sankashta Ganapati is regarded as the 32nd among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. Sankashta Ganapati is also known as Sankatahara Ganapati, and he remains essentially as ‘the remover of difficulties and sorrow.’

He appears with his consort Shakti Devi sitting on his left lap, as he is seated on a red lotus. The Lord is luminous like sunshine, is attired in blue and has four hands. He holds the boon-giving varada mudra posture in his main right-hand while the left one fondly embraces his consort, while also holding in it a vessel containing kheer or payasam (sweet offering), the milk pudding. His other hands carry the elephant goad and the noose. The Goddess is dressed in green and holds a lotus flower in her hand.

Blessings of Worshipping Sankashta Ganapati
Sankashta Ganapati worship, it is believed can remove misery and distress from the lives of the devotees and fill them with satisfaction and joy.

Mantra for Sankashta Ganapati

Baalaarkaaroona kaanthirvaame baalaam vahannamkae

Lasathin dheevarhasthaam gourinsadh ratnashobaadyaam

Dakshe ankushvarapaanim vaamepaashamcha paayasampaatram

Neelaamkusha sampannapeete pathmaaroonothishta

Sankashta haranadhrakshapaayaath sankashta poojayathushtaha||

This is the Sankashta Ganapati mantra, which describes his form in good detail and seeks his protection. The devotees believe that the recitation of this hymn with faith can earn for them the Lord’s blessings and bestow them with many benefits 

 संकट नाशन गणेश स्तोत्र

Shri Sankat Nashanam Ganesha Stotram

नारद उवाच 

Narada Uvacha:

Sage Narada told

प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं गौरीपुत्रं विनायकम् ।
भक्तावासं स्मरेन्नित्यमायुः कामार्थसिद्धये ।।1।।

Pranamya shirasa devam Gauri putram Vinayakam.
Bhakthavasam smaretrityamayuh kama artha sidhaye ||1||

The learned one, who wishes, For more life, wealth and love,
Should salute with his head to, Lord Ganapathi who is the son of Goddess Parvathi

प्रथमं वक्रतुडं च एकदन्तं द्वितीयकम् ।
तृतीयं कृष्णपिंगाक्षं गजवक्त्रं चतुर्थकम् ।।2।।

Prathamam Vakratundam cha, Ekadantam dwitiyakam.
Tritiyam Krushna Pingaksham,Gajavaktram Chaturthakam ||2||

Think him first as god with broken tusk, Second as the Lord with one tusk, Third as the one with reddish black eyes, Fourth as the one who has the face of an elephant.

लम्बोदरं पंचमं च षष्ठ विकटमेव च ।
सप्तमं विघ्नराजेन्द्रं धूम्रवर्णं तथाष्टमम् ।।3।।

Lambodaram Panchamam cha ,Sashtam Vikatamev cha.
Saptamam Vignarajam cha,Dhoomravarnam tathashtamam ||3||

Fifth as the one who has a very broad paunch, Sixth as the one who is cruel to his enemies,Seventh as the one who is remover of obstacles, Eighth as the one who is of the colour of smoke.

नवमं भालचन्द्रं च दशमं तु विनायकम् ।
एकादशं गणपतिं द्वादशं तु गजाननम् ।।4।।

Navamam Bhalchandram cha, Dashamam tu Vinayakam.
Ekadasham Ganapatim, Dwadasham tu Gajananam ||4||

Ninth as the one who crescent in his forehead, Tenth as the one who is the leader of remover of obstacles, Eleventh as the leader of the army of Lord Shiva, And twelfth as the one who has the face of an elephant

द्वादशैतानि नामानि त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः ।
न च विध्नभयं तस्य सर्वसिद्धिकरं परम् ।।5।।

Dwadasaithani namani,Trisandhyam yah pathenara.
Na cha vighna bhayam tasya,Sarvsiddhi karam param ||5||

Any one reading these twelve names, At dawn, noon and dusk, Will never have fear of defeat, And would always achieve whatever he wants.

विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां धनार्थी लभते धनम् ।
पुत्रार्थी लभते पुत्रान्मोक्षार्थी लभते गतिम् ।।6।।

Vidhyarthi labhate Vidhyam,Danarthi labhate Dhanam.
Putrarthi labhate Putran,Moksharthi labhate Gateem ||6||

One who pursues education will get knowledge, One who wants to earn money will get money, One who wishes for a son, will get a son, And one who wants salvation will get salvation

जपेग्दणपतिस्तोत्रं  षड् भिर्मासैः फ़लं लभेत् ।
संवत्सरेण सिद्धिं च लभते नात्र संशयः ।।7।।

Japet Ganapati stotram,Shadbhirmasai phalam labheth.
Samvatsarena sidhim cha,Labhate natra sanshaya ||7||

Results of chanting this prayer, Of Ganapati will be visible within six months,
And within a year, he would get all wishes fulfilled, And there is no doubt about this.

अष्टभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यश्च लिखित्वा यः समर्पयेत् ।
तस्य विद्या भवेत् सर्वा गणेशस्य प्रसादतः ।।8।।

Ashtabhyo Brahmoyashr Likihitwa yh samarpayet.
Tasya Vidhya bhavetsarva Ganeshasya Prasadatah ||8||

One who gives this prayer, In writing to Eight wise people,And offers it to Lord Ganesha,
Will become knowledgeable,And would be blessed with all stellar qualities, By the grace of Lord Ganesha .

|| इति श्री नारदपुराणे संकटनाशनम गणेश स्तोत्रम सम्पूर्णम ||

|| Iti Shri Narad Purane Sankat nashanam Ganesha Stotram Sampurnam ||

Thus ends the prayer from Narada Purana to Ganesha which would destroy all sorrows.

Pushan is the Deity of Revati Nakshatra.
PUSHAN of Revathi (Greek=> Piscium) Nakshatthiram is Protector of Journeys in General —Revathi being the LAST of 27 Nakshatthiras—some Astrologers Opine LAST /FINAL JOURNEY of the Soul ( Moksha Maargam)

Revathi Gayatri manthram => “Om Pushanatawatrate vayam rishyem

kadachana stotarasta ehasmasi ||

Revathi Bheeja manthram=> Om Pushane namah ||


The name of this deity is said to derive from the verb ‘pusyati’ literally meaning ‘cause to thrive’ so his name means one who causes people to thrive. Many hymns are addressed to Pushan and sometimes in connection with Indra. He is praised in eight hymns in the Rig Veda. Some of these hymns appeal to him to guard livestock and find lost livestock. His chariot is pulled by goats. Sometimes he is described as driving the Sun in its course across the sky. He seems to represent the sun as a guardian of flocks and herds.

According to Vishnu Purana, Pushan is one of twelve Aditi’s sons. Aditi is the Mother of the Gods. She represent the boundless heavens and known to be the supporter of the sky, sustainer of the earth and sovereign of the world. There is a general confusion of listing down her children. Originally it was numbered seven but later increased to twelve, to represent the sun in the twelve months of the year. They are Surya, Aryama, Pushan, Tvashta, Savita, Bhaga, Dhata, Vidhata, Varuna, Mitra, Indra, and Lord Vamana. It is said that Aditi cherished the first seven as the eighth was born as a shapeless lump. But that was taken up by the divine artificer and from it molded out Vvasvat. The remaining lump fell to earth and became elephants.


Pushan or Pusan is a Vedic solar deity and one of the Adityas. His individuality is vague and his anthropomorphic traits are scanty. He wears braided hair and a beard. He is the god of meeting. Pushan was responsible for marriages, journeys, roads, and the feeding of cattle. He was the conductor of souls to the other world. He protected travelers from bandits and wild beasts, and protected men from being exploited by other men. He was a supportive guide, a "good" god, leading his adherents towards rich pastures and wealth. He carried a golden lance, a symbol of activity and signifying his constant movement. He is seen as riding in a chariot pulled by goats, and is sometimes made a sort of sun god, hauling the sun in its course across the sky. ‘With his golden aerial ships Pusan acts as the messenger of Surya. He moves onward observing the universe, and makes his abode in heaven. He is a guardian who knows and beholds all creatures.

As best of charioteers he drove downward the golden wheel of the sun. He traverses the distant path of heaven and earth; he goes to and returns from both the beloved abodes. He conducts the dead on the far-off path of the Fathers. He is a guardian of roads, removing dangers out of the way; and is called 'son of deliverance' - vimuco napat. He follows and protects cattle, bringing them home unhurt and driving back the lost. His bounty is often mentioned. 'Glowing' - aghrni is one of his exclusive epithets. The name means 'prosperer', as derived from pus, cause to thrive. The evidence, though not clear, indicates that Pusan was originally a solar deity, representing the beneficent power of the sun manifested chiefly in its pastoral aspect.’

His sister, Dawn is the avatar of the Sun, and is often referred to as his lover, so his pulling of the sun can be seen as an ornate courtship ritual, as well. Pushan is depicted as having no teeth, most often explained as the result of a fight with Rudra or Shiva.

TOOTHLESSNESS: Offerings to Pushan are usually gruels of some sort, because he has no teeth. Pushan’s toothlessness is given as two parallel fact accounts. How did he get his tooth knocked out to the extent he feeds on gruels? This gruel is called ‘karambha’. Apparently either one of Vedic Rudra or Puranic Shiva caused this.


According to a narrative found in the Taittiriya Samhita, Rudra was excluded from a certain sacrifice. This is the famour Daksha’s yagna involving Sati. He was not in the invitation list despite being a major vedic deity. Thus, in anger, pierced the sacrifice with an arrow to ventilate his frustration. It was then that Pushan attempted to eat a part of the yagna oblation. The arrow it him in the mouth and his teeth was shattered completely.


The later versions of this narrative are found in the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas. This is more a direct assault. The Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva competition to Supremacy is an age old plot. In the Mahabratha version, Brahma and Vishnu were invited by Daksha to participate in the horse yagna. Rudra or Shiva was angry because his father-in-law, Daksha, the sacrificer, did not invite him. Shiva pierced the offering with an arrow and thereby inspired such fear in the gods and sages that the whole universe quaked. Shiva then attacked the gods, putting Bhaga’s eyes and kicking Pushan in anger, knocked out his teeth as he was eating the oblation. The alternative story in the Ramayana is Shiva causing Pushan to break his teeth on the arrow embedded in the offering. It took some time for the gods to calm down. They then acknowledged Shiva as the Lord and refuge.

The Puranic versions of the myth introduces Brahma as the true rival, even-though there is the dispute with Vishnu for supremacy. One Puranic account is where Shiva hurls the Pinaka, his blazing lightning trident, which destroys Daksha’s sacrifice held in honour of Vushnu. The Pinnaka struck Vishnu’s breast. Narayana hurls it back with equal vigour at Shiva. Battle flairs up between Rudra and the gods and Brahma and few other intervene. In the course, Pushan’s teeth gets knocked-off. The rage is halted at Brahma’s instance.

In another version, the Shiva Purana and the Linga Purana, there is more violence. This is a Shiva-Parvati account. Parvati tells Shiva that he has been excluded from the yagna. Shiva gets enraged. Virabhadra, is created by Shiva from a lock of his matted hair. He is the ‘fire of fate’ whose looks and powers were terrifying. He was sent with an army of demi-gods to break up the sacrifice. These creatures broke up the sacrifice, causing the mountains to totter, earth to shake, winds to roar and sea to be disturbed. Indra was trampled; Yama’s staff was broken; Mitra’s eyes were dug out, Pushan’s teeth was knocked out; Chandra was beaten; Agni’s hands were cut off. Daksha’s head was chopped and later reinstated by the competing Vishnu.

In Shiva Purana Daksha and the Gods admit to Shiva’s supremacy. In the Vishnu based Puranas, apparently Vishnu seized Shiva’s throat and forced Shiva to desist and acknowledge him as his Shiva’s master. Each sage tells his version of the competition. But Vishnu Purana acknowledges Pushan as one of the Adityas. In any event, there is a saying in Tamil, the mouse-deer gets trampled when the lion fights with the tiger. Here, Pushan got his teeth knocked out. He was not the only one having this fame. In Greek mythology, Eurynome has his teeth verily removed by Ophion’s jealous rage.


The Rig Veda speaks of Pushan and the sun twice, in hymns 1:42 and 6:55, when it says: Come, burning child of the unharnessing, be for us the charioteer of order, best of charioteers, lord of great wealth; you are a stream of riches, a heap of gold. Pushan, who uses goats for horses in his chariot, the lover of his sister, the brother of Indra.

The following is a specimen of the hymns addressed to Pushan in the Rig-Veda Book 3. Chpt 2: “Conduct us, Pushan, over our road; remove distress, son of the deliverer; go on before us. Smite away from before us the destructive and injurious wolf which seeks after us. Drive away from our path the waylayer, the thief and the robber. Tread with thy foot upon the burning weapons of that deceitful wretch, whoever he be. O wonder-working and wise Pushan, we desire that help of thine wherewith thou didst favour our fathers! O god, who bringest all blessings, and art distinguished by the golden spear,make wealth easy of acquisition! Convey us past our opponents; make our paths easy to travel; gain strength for us here. Lead us over a country of rich pastures; let no new trouble (beset our) path. Bestow, satiate, grant, stimulate us; fill our belly. We do not reproach Pushan, we praise him with hymns; and we seek riches from the wonder-working god.... May we, O Pushan! meet with a wise man who will straightway direct us and say, 'It is this.' May Pushan follow our kine; may he protect our horses; may he give us food. . . . Come hither, glowing god, the deliverer, may we meet."


As one of the adityas, Pushan nourishes both the yajamanas and the Earth. Urdhvam ayatanam – the home of the Gods is high above. However their main stations or fields of action differ accordingly. The highest abode is that of Indra, Lord of the Divine Mind; thus Svar is the Mind station. Agni, Godof Fire is stationed on Earth. The Maruts are the Life-world, so there is the Mid-region. Other Gods preside in their respective stations to carry on their activities. Now, Pushan, belongs to the Earth station because he is also the Lord of Mother Earth; supports and nourishes her. When he nourishes by his Aditya power, the outer Earth-field or the physical matter and the inner physical consciousness, he is himself nourished. Then Usha the Goddess of Dawn of higher Consciousness is manifest. According to RV 10.85.14, when Ashvins espouse Usha, he adopts these health-givers who nourish as parents. Thus nourihsed, Pushan Aditya showers his bounty on Indra also and becomes his brother: RV 6.55.5 and ultimately becomes brother of Earth and the space – stations divided into quarters: RV 6.58.4. However Mantra 1.23.15, sings the Glories of the Six Worlds “The six worlds are the seven worlds excluding the earth, the station of the sacrificer. Just as a farmer collects the grain and feeds it to the bulls repeatedly, similarly Pushan attains to the glory of the six worlds other than earth and brings this glory to the sacrificer again and again.”


This mudra is dedicated to Surya, Sun God and the God of Nourishment. The position of the fingers in the mudra signifies accepting and receiving with one hand and letting go with the other. This mudra is said to assist digestion. Pushan mudra also helps detoxification and elimination by stimulation of the brain. It intensifies breathing and therefore the absorbtion of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide in the lungs.


Pushan marks the beginning of the Path which is the Path of the Gods or the solstice. The hymns of the first book of the Rig Veda relates the months to Pushan: RV 1.23.13-15 “Radian Pushan, drive back like a lost cow him whose field is light, the support of Heaven. Radiant Pushan found the king, hidden in secret, whose field is light. And to me with the Moons he pours our six conjoined, as one who ploughs with oxen the grain.” This verse refers to the six double months or seasons of India. It also refers to the Moon whose filed months begin with Chitra, for the lunar constellation Chitra would mark the summer solstice when Revati, the constellation ruled by Pushan would mark the winter solstice.

In Vedic mythology, Pushan and Ashwins both marry Surya Savitri, the Sun Goddess, identified with Sun at the winter solstice. Pushan rules the two days that are identified with the northern and southern course of the sun. Hence the marriage of the Sun Goddess to Pushan and Ashwins should mark the point between Revati and Ashwini.


​Revathi is the nakshatra where the moon finishes his journey to embark on the next. It is said to be the opulent nakshtra. Revati bids it goodbye and assures a safe joueney ahead. The same symbolism os also used for people born in this star constellation. They embark from this life to next with ease and comfort. This nakshtra is ruled by Pushan. The Nakshtra grants them prosperity and bids them farewell in the time of their death to reap the karmic rewards in their next life. Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. It has the power of nourishment symbolized by milk or kshiradyapani shakti. Its basis above is the cows. Its basis below are the calves. These three bring about the nourishment of the entire world.

Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. It helps all people in their efforts. Pushan is the lord of cattle and the lord of the paths. He leads, protects and gathers the herd in their movement, particularly to new pastures. In this way he also protects the soul in its journey to the next world.. 

Mercury (Budha) is the Lord of Revati Nakshatra as per Vimshottari Dasa system of Parashara.
Paintings of Lord Budha
You may also opt to chant following Puranic mantra for propiating the Mercury Mantra (4,000 times).

Priyangava-gulikashyam rupena pratimambudam
saumyam saumya-gunopetam tani pranamamy aham

When translated in English, it means:
"I bow down to Buddha, god of the planet Mercury, whose face is like a fragrent globe of the priyangu herb and whose beauty matches that of a lotus flower. He is most gentle, possessing all attractive qualities."

Gayatri Mantra for Mercury:

"Om Budhagrahaya vidmahe, Indu putraya dhimahi, tanno somya prachodayat"

Revati Nakshatra Kshiradyapani Shakti:
Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. It has the power of nourishment symbolized by milk (kshiradyapani shakti). Its basis above is the cows. Its basis below are the calves. These three bring about the nourishment of the entire world Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. It helps all people in their efforts. Pushan is the lord of cattle and the lord of the paths. He leads, protects and gathers the herd in their movement, particularly to new pastures. In this way he also protects the soul in its journey to the next world..

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra associated with Revati Nakshatra:

(Each Sloka is associated with each Nakshatra Pada, by chanting the sloka pertaining to the Nakshatra Pada in which a person is born, the native gets blessings of Lord Vishnu)

Yagna-bhrut yagnakru t yagee yagnabhuk yagna-sadhanah |
Yajna-ntakrut yagna guhyam anna mannada eva-cha || (“Revati 1st Pada")

Atma-yoni svayam jaato vaikhana sama-gayanah |
Devakee nandana srashta kshiteeshah papa-nashanah || ("Revati 2nd Pada")
Shankha-bhrut nandakee chakree sharngadhanva gada-dharah |
Rathanga-pani rakshobhyah sarva praha-rana-yudhah || ("Revati 3rd Pada")

Sree sarva-praha-rana-yudha om naman ithi 
Vanmalee gadee sharngi shankhee chakree cha nandakee |
Shree-maannaraayano vinshuh vaasu-devo dhira-kshatu || ("Revati 4th Pada")

Revathi Tree- Madhuca indica.
It’s called the Mahua tree or Indian butter tree. It has immense medicinal and economic values. Each part of the tree is used and it’s a good substitute of diesel having biofuel potential. 
It is cultivated in warm and humid regions for its oleaginous seeds (producing between 20 and 200 kg of seeds annually per tree, depending on maturity), flowers and wood. The fat (solid at ambient temperature) is used for the care of the skin, to manufacture soap or detergents, and as a vegetable butter. It can also be used as a fuel oil. The seed cakes obtained after extraction of oil constitute very good fertilizer. The flowers are used to produce an alcoholic drink in tropical India. This drink is also known to affect the animals. Several parts of the tree, including the bark, are used for their medicinal properties. It is considered holy by many tribal communities because of its usefulness 

Revati Nakshatra - Detailed Information

"Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God, sometimes identified with the power of seeing. It has the power of nourishment symbolized by milk (kshiradyapani shakti). Its basis above is the cows. Its basis below is the calves. These three bring about the nourishment of the entire world.

Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. It helps all people in their efforts. Pushan is the lord of cattle and the lord of the paths. He leads, protects and gathers the herd in their movement, particularly to new pastures. In this way he also protects the soul in its journey to the next world. This Nakshatra promotes fertility and growth and gives abundance and completion to our projects.

Revati gives power over cattle, power over sources of nourishment. Yet cattle also symbolize what we have seen and experienced."
Pushan desired, “May I become the lord of the animals.” One who makes the appropriate offering to Pusha, to Revati (16 40 – 30 00 Pisces), becomes lord of the animals. Revati gives lordship over domestic cattle, richness of harvest and fertile fields. Those born under this Nakshatra like the good things of life but as are in harmony with nature. Pushan is the nourisher and the seer among the Sun Gods.
"The symbols for Revati are a fish and a drum. The fish is a symbol of deep spirituality as well as the twelfth sign of Pisces. The drum is a marker of time reflecting the final lunar mansion according to the constellations. This auspicious nakshatra has a deva temperament with a primary motivation of moksha, or spiritual enlightenment. The deity is Pushan, the nurturer and protector of travelers and animals. Revati is ruled by the intellectual planet Mercury, residing in a constellation ruled by benefic Jupiter. The animal symbol is a female elephant. The shakti is “the power of nourishment symbolized by milk”. Revati is one of the most benefic nakshatras for spiritual growth and development of psychic abilities.

Revati Career Interests:
Psychics, mystical or religious work.
Humanitarian projects, charitable activities.
Veterinarian, animal trainers.
Urban planners, government positions, social work.
Film actors, comedians, performers.
Journalists, editors, publishers.
Travel agents, flight attendants.

Revati is formed by thirty-two faint stars at the tail of the Fish constellation"
This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, being the last and final nakshatra. It grants protection for safe travels. They are sweet caring responsible loving friends. They nourish and care for others. They have been known to provide foster care for others, children or animals. They have an affinity or love towards small animals. They love humanity and society. They love to be social because they sincerely love connecting to other people. They don’t have a mean or jealous bone in their body. There is a love of fine arts and they can be creative as well. Their caring for others can lead to co-dependency. There may be disappointment early in life, but this developed their compassion and sincere forgiveness of others. They are a bit weak and may be prone to childhood illnesses. They are mystics with complete faith in their beliefs and in the goodness of humanity. With their love of water, they usually benefit from living by the water. There is a deep devotion and faith to God. They are protected in all their travels especially the journey from this world to the next.

Revati Nakshatra - Detailed Analysis

The sanskrit root word
Revat = wealthy, rich, prosperous, abundant, plentifull, beautiful, splendid.
Other Ancient names of this Nakshatra
Antya, Antyabha, Needhra, Paushna, Paushnabham, Pashupa, Puschan, Revathy,

“One who Nourishes bringing Growth and Prosperity”, Revati means the “Shining One”
or the “Shining Light” who shows the Path to Others. Revati Rescues those Who
Deserve Special Protection, such as Children and Animals.

Astronomy - Revati Nakshatra
Number of Stars - 32 (Zeta Piscium/ Revati is the Brightest amongst the Constellation
of Pisces/ The Tail of the Northern Fish. Eta Piscium/ Al Pherg is another star that lies in
the “Pouring Point of Water”in this Constellation of Pisces gives Organizational Ability,
and a Promise of Success. This Celestial Region is the Culmination of Mercurial
Energy. The Ancients saw these Stars forming the Shape of a Drum).

Yoga Taras (Principle Stars)

Revati Nakshatra - Ruled by Mercury
Revati Nakshatra in the Vimshottari Nakshatra Dasa (120 Year Cycle of Timing of
Events) system introduced by Rishi Parashara is associated with planet Mercury. This
association with Mercury is only relevant with the Vimshottari based Nakshatra Dasa
system and Mercury doesn't rule this Nakshatra as is believed and understood
misintepreted in many of the later texts on Nakshatras. The Nakshatras are ruled by the
Devatas (Tutelary Archetypes or Principal Dieites). Other Nakshatra based dasa
systems given by Rishis Parashara have been associated with other planets that
inflfluence this nakshatra and this has to be used judiciously only for studying and
intepreting the underlying scheme of Dasa.
Study of the Vimshottari Dasa with this Nakshatra we base the association of Mercury
with the Karakas (signififications) of Mercury which includes and not limited to:
Intelligence, Speech, Business, Math Ability, Maternal Uncle, Mathematics, Hand Work,
Literature, Astrology, Education, Maternal Uncles, Intelligence and Intellect, Happiness
through Children, Ultimate Knowledge, Deceiving Others, Profificiency In Writing
Diplomatically, Handicrafts, Weaving; Sexual Enjoyments, Travels Over Water,
Vegetables, Digestive Fire, Fanning, Parrots, Coloured Plays/Shows, Betel Leaves,
Cages, Grass, Inciting Quarrels, Prosperity, Ambassadorial Functions.
Mercury is also associated with Lord Gautama Buddha (Enlightened Saint) amongst
the Dasa Avataars (10 Incarnations) of Vishnu. Mercury is also been re #ered to as Para,
Parnaya, Rauhineya, Saumya, Tunga.

Key Points
' The root word describing Revati, is Ru which means: “She who increases
prosperity, success, fortune, wealth, and abundance”
' Goddess Revati is the daughter of King Kakudmi or Aivata who ruled Kusasthali,
a kingdom beneath the ocean. Kakudmi was the descendant of Suryavansha or
the Solar Dynasty and the son of King Revata
' Revati is the wife of Balarama, elder brother of Lord Krishna as per mythology.
Symbolically the tale of Devaki, Rohini and Balarama (refer Mythology section of Revati) leads us to the secret energy inherent in this nakshatra i.e., “Mysterious
Preservation” and “Protective Principle” and gives the angle of “Surrogacy” and
“Foster Parenting” in this asterism
' ‘A Pair of Fish’ is a symbol of deep spirituality and signififies the merging of the
‘Jivatman’ (the individual soul) with the ‘Paramatman’ the (Universal soul). The
fifish also gives fertility and allows for rapid growth
' ‘The Drum’ is a marker of time and indicator of the good sense rhythm it can
bring to one’s life. Hence, this constellation is related to time and other kinds of
rhythmic measurements or activities such as Music, and should ensure timely
sleep, exercise, and eating in their lives
' Pushan the deity of Revati is invoked for the “Protection of Flocks and Herds”
and for “Safe Travel”. Revati natives have been known to be giving foster care to
others children or animals. They have and a&nity or love towards small
domestic animals.
' The name Pushan comes from the Sanskrit verb ‘Pusyati’, which means “one
who cause people to thrive, one who brings bliss and prosperity”
' Pushan is also the “Ruler of the Roads” and is conducive nakshatra to
commence your journeys. He has his rulership over streetlights and lighthouses
which help ships from getting lost. This nakshatra may also indicate our fifinal
journey from life to the next
' Pushan is the Ferryman who yearns to cross over the dead through river
Vaitarani which falls on the Southern gate of the infernal city of Naraka (Garuda
Purana), the realm of Yama (God of the Dead)
' Since the deity Pushan ushers the dead souls to the realm of Yama, it is seen
that this asterism gives prominence to hospice workers. Revati natives have a
generous and a protective spirit and is willing to give nourishment and
sustenance to the people on the streets
' Pushan is also the Lord of lost things or lost animals and also considered the
healer of the animals. 6L placed with no a)ictions in Revati can give a liking to
pet animals. However, multiple malefific inflfluences can sometimes create the fear
of animals or problems due to animals 
' Since Revati is a Tiryanga Mukha nakshatra, projects that commence in this
asterism progresses sequentially without any hurdles
' Revati is one of the most benefific nakshatras for spiritual growth and
development of psychic abilities
' The animal symbol of Revati is the Elephant, which usually likes to roam on level
than on uneven terrain this explains the balanced and level nature of the
asterism. Like the symbol Elephant the natives are probe to fatness and
' Revati’s inflfluence enables its benefificiaries to do great service for their fellow
beings without expecting much in return and the impulses flflowing through this
asterism leads to expansion of awareness
' Revati natives are known to be weak in their childhood and are usually seen to
be prone to frequent illnesses
' Revati being a constellation placed in the watery sign of Pisces, it is seen that
such native has love for water and benefifit from living by the water
' Out of all the 27 Nakshatra born persons, Revati born persons are the most god
fearing and are religiously much inclined
' Revati born are observed to be mostly settled in foreign countries or reasonably
far from their places of birth. Also, the Revati native cannot stick to any
particular fifield of work or job for long
' Revati likes to guide and rescue those who deserve special protection: such as
children and animals and are often seen in paediatrics, veterinary medicine,
hospice work, emergency response, animal activism and protective shelters. It is
often seen that such natives make good adoptive parents (foster fathers and
' The destructive and dissolute power of the universe to create the Mahapralaya
is the state and process which operates under Revati’s energy
' The planet Venus is exalted in the last quarter of this mercurial constellation (at
27 degrees in Pisces, the 12th sign of the natural zodiac showing Venus’s importance in final liberation or moksha), and mythologically the planet Saturn is
born in this nakshatra. However, the last quarter of Revati considered
inauspicious for longevity
' Anthropomorphically this is the cavity of the abdomen, groins of Kalapurusha
' Inflfluences: Aquatic products, fruits and flflowers, salt, gems, conch shell, pearls,
lotuses, perfumes, ornaments, conveyance, traders and sailors, tape-recorder
' Moon in Revati: the person has well developed limbs, looks lovely and graceful,
is a hero, pure and wealthy
' According to Varahamihira, Moon in Revati “gives one perfect body and physical
felicity. The native is supposed to be blessed with purity, luck, wealth and a
heroic disposition.” One will generally fifind that those having Moon or Ascendant
in Revati are usually gentle, kind and pious unless there are other overwhelming
factors to the contrary in the chart.

Revati Nakshatra mentions from the Scriptures
“Revati rules aquatic products as well as fruits and flflowers, salt, gems, counch shell,
pearls, lotuses, perfumes, flflowers (or frageant flflowers), traders and sailors (or
- Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira (Chapter XV, Stellar Rulership)
“If in Revati he will have a broad mark, will be love-sick, lovely, clever in counsel, will
have sons, family and friends and will enjoy steady continuous prosperity.”
- Jataka Parijata, Nakshatra Palam (Adh. IX, Sloka 84-90)
“Healing and Treatment of Disease.”
- Muhurta Chintamani
“Per Hora Sara, the person will be fortunate, will be long lived, will have self respect &
pride, very courageous, spiteful and interested in women.”
- Hora Sara
“Per Jatakabharana, he person born in Revati Nakshatra will be handsome / beautiful,
wealthy, enjoys life, learned and will have wavering mind. He will be optimistic,
valorous, sexual and perform complicated jobs easily.”
- Jatakabharana
“Per Mansagari, the native born in this Nakshatra will have a flflawless body, practice
cleanliness, e! cient in doing work, will behave respectfully with others & also gets
respected by others. He will work with devotion and earns wealth by good deeds.”
- Mansagari

“Healing and Treatment of Disease.”
- Muhurta Chintamani
“Per Hora Sara, the person will be fortunate, will be long lived, will have self respect &
pride, very courageous, spiteful and interested in women.”
- Hora Sara
“Per Jatakabharana, he person born in Revati Nakshatra will be handsome / beautiful,
wealthy, enjoys life, learned and will have wavering mind. He will be optimistic,
valorous, sexual and perform complicated jobs easily.”
- Jatakabharana
“Per Mansagari, the native born in this Nakshatra will have a flflawless body, practice
cleanliness, e! cient in doing work, will behave respectfully with others & also gets
respected by others. He will work with devotion and earns wealth by good deeds.”
- Mansagari

Deity - Pushan
Pushan (One of the 12 Adityas or Vedic Solar Deities) who represents the “Nourishing
form of the Sun God”, “The Animal Keeper of the Gods”, “The Protective Deity of the
Cattle and the Paths”, “the Nurturer and Protector of Flocks and Herds”, “Protector of
Wayfarers and their Belongings”, “one Who is usually invoked for Safe Travel”, He is
“the Measurer of the Skies”, He is also “the Protector of the Soul in its Journey to the
next World”, “God of Meetings”.
Symbol - Fish
Fish or a Pair of Fish, A Drum (called Naggada, a type of Indian drum played with two
Sacred Animal - Female Elephant
Female Elephant & Leadership
An elephant herd usually comprises six to twelve elephants, and is led by the wisest
and oldest female, known as the “matriarch.” The herd relies on her to lead and
make decisions regarding the course of action. The herd follows the matriarch by
walking behind her in single fifile. Young elephants follow their mothers, holding onto
their tails by their little trunks.
The characteristics of the elephant alpha-female represent true and e#ective
leadership: she is a role model. Because of size, she doesn’t have the speed of other
powerful animals. She makes up for it with her leadership skill set, which enables
elephants to survive their harsh environment, unique in the animal kingdom.

The Story of Pushan’s Teeth
According to a narrative found in the Taittiriya Samhita, Rudra was excluded from the
Daksha yajna, an important sacrififice in honor of various deities. He, in anger, pierced
the sacrififice with an arrow and Pushan broke his teeth as he attempted to eat a part of
the oblation. The later versions of this narrative are found in the Ramayana,
Mahabharata, and the Puranas. In these versions, Rudra (or Shiva) was angry because
his father-in-law, Daksha, the sacrifificer, did not invite him. Shiva, in anger, kicked
Pushan and knocked out his teeth as he was eating the oblation. In the Puranic
versions, Virabhadra, created by Shiva from a lock of his matted hair, knocked down
Pushan's teeth.

The form of Ganesha related to Revati Nakshatra
Sankatahara Ganapati is the fifinal among the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. The lord “Sankatahara” literally means “dispeller of all sorrow”. In this form Ganapathi appears seated on red lotus with his consort Sakthi (Devi) seated on his left thigh dressed in green attire and she holds lotus flflower. The complexion of Sankatahara Ganapati is like sunshine hue and dressed in blue attire with four hands. His main right hand postures Varadha Mudra rewarding wishes to his devotees and his main left arm gently holds around Goddess Sakthi and holds the vessel of sweet milk pudding.

Creative Thinker, Independent, Lucky, Liked by All, Gives and Receives Support, Gifted
at Arts, Nurturer, Promoted Quickly, Brave, Skilled in Pleasing, Sociable, Good
Counselor, Proud, Stately Presence, Sparkling Personality, Loves and Protects Animals
and Pets, Longevity, Well Groomed, Good Hygiene, Might be Born into A Wealthy
Family, Interested in Ancient Cultures, Selflflessness, Compassionate, Caring

Weakness / Shadow Issues
Takes on other People’s Problems, Overindulgent, Poor Health, Amoral Attitudes,
Doubt Ridden, Low Fertility, Spiteful when Hurt or Jealous, Resentful, Feels
Inadequate, Low Self-Esteem, Overly Sensitive, Stubborn, Volatile, Co-Dependent,
Easily Disillusioned, Victimized, Feels Unloved or Insecure.
' A )ictions to Revati or malefifics in Revati can cause nutritional defificiencies,
malnourishment or bodily imbalances due to improper or untimely dietary habits
' Similarly, a)iction to Revati or malefific 2L placed in this asterism can also
represent dental problems
' The native su#ers from gastric indigestion and becomes unhappy with his
wealth in the latter part of his life
' In Revati it is seen happy marriages sometimes have a very tragic ending
' Becomes unhappy through his wealth in the latter part of his life
' Revati native cannot keep a secret for long and cannot stick any job for long.

Favorable Activities when moon transits Revati Nakshatra
Initiations, Marriage, Sexuality, Transaction and Dealership of Goods, Music, Art,
Occult, Spirituality, Healing, Leisure Actions and Gardening, Conclusions, Business or
Financial Matters, Exchanging Goods, Music, Drama, and Creative Activities, Charity,
Studying Spiritual or Occult Teachings, Healing and Treating Ailments, Activities for
Leisure and Relaxation, ending or Completing Activity.

Unfavorable Activities when moon transits Revati Nakshatra
Activities requiring Severe Tactics or Bold Action, Overcoming Obstacles, Enmity,
Calamities, Sharp Actions, Surgery, Physically Strenuous Activities, the Last Two Padas
of Revati are not Supportive for Beginning a New Activity.

Career Interest
Hypnotists and Psychic, Creative Artists of all kinds including Painters, Musicians etc.,
Actors, Entertainers and Comedians, Illusionists, Magicians, Watchmakers, Road
Planners and those working in Rail & Road Construction Business, Time Keepers,
Calendar and Ephemeris Makers, Astrologers, Professional Hosts and Hostesses
(especially Air Hostesses, Ship Stewards, etc.), Gemstone Dealers, Those involved in
the Pearl Industry, All kinds of Shipping and Marine Industry, Those involved with
Foster Homes and Orphanages, Driving or Transport Professions, Those involved with
Religious Institutions, Air Tra&c Controllers, Tra&c Cops, Lighthouse Workers, Saints,
Those involved with Road Safety, Driving Instructors, Travel Planners, Travel Agents,
Foster Parents, Making Calendars, Film Actors, Comedians, Politicians, Humanitarian
Projects, Charitable Work, Urban Planners, Government Positions, Psychics, Mystical
or Religious Work, Journalists, Editors, Publishers, Travel Agents, Flight Attendants.

Important themes
' Teeth and Dental Issues or Problems
' Problems with the Legs and Ankles
' Roads and Accidents
' Foster Parenting, Surrogacy, Care giving to others Children and Animals
' Protector and Nurturer of others on their Journey
' Nourishment of the Dependants (Sheppard)
' Di&culty with own Children, Diseases of Childhood (frequent illness)
' Pet Lovers, Breeders, Animal Husbandry, Paediatrics, Veterinary Medicine,
Hospice Work, Emergency Response, Animal Activism and Protective Shelters
' Water Motifs (Love for Water, Living near Water Bodies, etc
' Insomnia and Nightmares
' Finding Lost Articles and Objects
' Revati Females taller than their Spouses
' Interest in Music, Spiritual and Psychic Sciences
' Progress in Leaps and Bounds.


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