Krittika Nakshatra
Krittika Nakshatra Natives benefit by praying to Ucchista Ganapati. Significance of Ucchista Ganapati Ucchista Ganapati is regarded as the 8th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The Sanskrit word ‘Ucchista’ literally means the remains and leftovers, but in this context, carries a Tantric connotation. Ucchista Ganapati is considered a tantric aspect of Lord Ganesha and denotes the blessed offerings. Ucchista Ganapati is blue in complexion, is in a sitting posture and is depicted with his consort Goddess Shakti Devi seated comfortably on his left lap. He has six hands, the main left of which gently embraces his consort, and the rest of his hands hold in them, a japa mala of Rudraksha beads, a pomegranate fruit, fresh sprig of paddy, blue lotus and the stringed instrument Veena. The end of his trunk rests on the thigh of the Goddess. He can be seen as a sculpture in the Maha Ganapati temple in the Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram and some temples in Mysore region in Ka...
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