Ashwini Nakshatra - The Healing Star

Dvija Ganapati is the form associated with Ashwini Nakshatra

Significance of Dwija Ganapati
Dwija Ganapati is regarded as the 6th form among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The word ‘Dwija’ is a combination of two terms ‘Dwi’, denoting the number two and ‘Ja’, an abbreviation of ‘Janma’, which means birth. Thus ‘Dwija’ simply means ‘twice born’. Normally this word is used to refer to Brahmins, for whom, normal birth is regarded as the first birth and the wearing of the ‘sacred thread’ and obtaining the right to perform the holy rituals as the second. However, Dwija Ganapati is regarded as a Lord equivalent to Brahma, the God of creation. This Ganesha is also similar to Brahma in appearance, pure white in color, and with four heads and the same number of hands. He holds in his hands, the japa mala made of Rudhraksha beads, a Kamandalam (water vessel), a dhandam (an ascetic’s staff) and an ancient work or scripture made of ole leaves.

This form of Ganesha can be seen as a painting in the Pazhavangadi Ganapati Temple in the Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram and as a sculpture in some temples in Mysore region, where all the 32 Ganapati forms are on display. Ballaleshwar Temple in Pali, Maharashtra remains perhaps as the most famous shrine of Dwija Ganapati. This is also one of the eight well-known Ashta Vinayak temples in Maharashtra. Ashwini Star or Nakshatra is said to be related to this form of Ganapati.

Blessings of Worshipping Dwija Ganapati
Dwija Ganapati is regarded as that aspect of Ganesha who is capable of making one’s worldly life worthwhile. It is believed that worshipping him with faith can make people attain status, and earn good name and fame in their place of work and society. He can also help to bring down debts and to make people get good material gains.

Mantra for Dwija Ganapati
The mantra, which reads as under in Sanskrit, describes the form of this ‘Twice-born Ganapati’ in detail and prays for his grace and blessings.

Yam pusthakaaksha gunadandakam adalushree

Vidhyothamaan karabhooshanam indhuvarnam

Sthambera maananchathushtaya shobamaanam

Tvaamya smaredh dvijaganaadhipathe sadhanyaha

Chanting the Dwija Ganapati mantra with faith, can be an effective means of propitiating this powerful Lord. 


These Mantras when chanted by either the People born in this Nakshatra through out their lives.
Others who want to benefit from the qualities of this Nakshatra can chant these Mantras when Moon transits this nakshatra or Lagna transits this Nakshatra.

The Ashwini Nakshatra Gayatri Mantra is given below :
Om Swetha Varnaaya Vidmahe
Sudhaakaraayai Dhimahi
Thanno Ashwanau Prachodayaath

Ashwini Nakshatra Vedic Mantra :
Om Ashwino TejSaaChakshoo Praanen Saraswati,
Veeryyam VaaChendro BalenenDraay DhadhuRendriyam,
Om Ashwini KumaaraBhyo Namah.
ॐ अश्विनातेजसाचक्षु: प्राणेन सरस्वती वीर्य्यम् । वाचेन्द्रोबलेनेन्द्रायदधुरिन्द्रियम्।

Ashwini Devatas are the Deities of the Nakshatra.

Nakshatra is a Storehouse of Karma, all planets in a horoscope are posited within Nakshatras and these planets are the givers of the Karma. All of us faces circumstances in our lives due to the actions we have done in the past, these can be either in the present birth or in the previous births. Planets & Nakshatras provide us an indication of our past Karmas.
Understanding a Nakshatra helps in knowing our psychology, the energy or Shakti of Nakshatra is transmitted by its Devata. Understanding the Story of Nakshatra Devata helps us in understanding why the natives of that Nakshatra behave in a certain way sub-consciously. This understanding also helps in taking corrective actions through various remedies that will be known in different section of this blog.
Blessings of Nakshatra Devata help the natives of Nakshatra in overcoming the shortfalls & focusing on the strengths provided by Devata's shakti.

Aditya (sun) was born to Aditi ,the daughter of Daksha prajapati.Aditya was married to Sangya devi ,daughter of Tvashtrva (architect of devatas).Sangya was very beautiful and Sun was very happily living with her. However Sangya finding the heat of Sun as unbearable , one day went back to her father’s house. Father assured that he would reduce the brilliance of his son inlaw in due course ,but it is not wise of chaste woman to leave their husband. So Sangya returned and carried on with Sun, givimg birth to Manu , Yama,and Yami.

But unable to bear Sun’s brilliance , Sangya created her replica ,Chayadevi [who resembled her in appearance] ,went away to forest in Uttara Kuru in the disguise of Mare [female horse] .Chayadevi serving Sun as Sangya (his wife), within one year gave birth to Manu,Sani and Tapti.

However Chaya grew partial towards Sangya’s children and Yama noting this complained to Father . Father showed discern towards Chaya . Chaya out of anger Cursed Yama ,” You lord over the dead ” and to Yami as ” You be a river (yamuna)” . Sensing mother never curses her child , Sun suspected Chaya . Then He found out the truth and cursed Saturn ” You become lame and cruel planet” , Tapati to become the river.

Sun out of his Divyadrishti found out Sangya was roaming in the forest of Kuru as mare , he took the form of Horse and lived with her again in the forest .Thus were born two beautiful horses(twins) Ashwini. Bramha came to the forest and appointed the Ashwini as Physicians of Devatas and offered them a boon of being extremely handsome .

Vishwakarma then prayed Aditya and subsequently he reduced his brilliance to accomodate the growth of civilization on the earth .

This story also gives the philosophical reason behind the results of Sun in seventh house.Sun in seventh house invites seperation from husband in a woman’s horoscope. Sometimes husband abandons the lady. In some cases lady has to compromise as second wife.

Thus this story of birth of Ashwini devatas, narrated by Vyasa ,brings beauty and health to those who listen or reads it.

Do you know there are doctors to treat illness of the gods? How can gods suffer from illness?

The Hindu Puranas are not just stories, it speaks about about happiness, sorrow, greed, lust, anger and all the ill effects that were caused due to these.

Gods were too victims of these attributes of the mind, and have invited from the curses of Rishi-Muni upon them.

 “Ashwinou devabhishajou…. “ bhishak- means physicians/doctors. Ashwini Kumaras are physicians of the God.

They have a very interesting vahana. A ratha which has wings of ‘gridhra’- eagle, a base having ‘koorma’-tortoise, and they, themselves are represented in form if horses. Their vehicle signifies their readiness to help the needy swiftly, they can move around in air, land and even water.

Who are Ashwini Kumaras, how they became ‘deva-bhishak’?

Ashwini kumaras are the twin sons of Surya and his wife Sangya. But how did they get horse form? Let’s see,

Sangya(means impulses, reaction, sign) has a quality to be at any place in fraction of a second. And Surya too keeps moving around to form day and night.

Hence Sangya devi asked her daasi ‘Chaaya’(shadow) to follow Surya and help him in his chores. Chaaya followed Surya obediently and Surya never realized Sangya is not with him. Chaaya had a son ‘Shani’ from surya. Only then Sangya got angry on surya and left to bhuloka.

As moving around in a blink of the eye is her quality, surya couldn’t find Sangya for a long time. Sri Vishnu helped him, located Sangya to be in a forest in the form of a horse. Vishnu advised Surya to take form of a Ashva and to convince Sangya to love him back.

So, ashwini kumaras were born when their parents were in horse form. So they too are represented as horses.

They grew up with the quality to be able see the whole world, just like Surya and to move swiftly like Sangya. These are the qualities needed to be a great doctor. Hence, when Prajapathi Daksha learnt Ayurveda from Brahma, he taught Ashwini Kumaras and they became the doctors of the gods.

“brahmasmruthvayushou vedam prajapatimajigrhath | so ashwininou sahasraksham………….. “

From Ashwini kumaras the knowledge of Ayurveda passed on to Devaraja Indra.

They were named ‘Nasathya’ and ‘Dasra’.

The infamous Daksha yagna had a very bad outcome. After Sati devi immolated herself, Veerabhadra wrecked havoc in place of yagna. He beheaded Daksha and many others suffered consequences.

“ashwinou devabhishajou yajnavahaviti smrithou, yagnasya hi shirachinnam punasthabhyam pradapayeth |

Prasheerna dashana pushno danthe nashte bhagasya cha, vrajinashcha bhujastambhaa tabhyameva chikitstithaha  ||”

Ashwini kumaras attached a head of a goat when Daksha lost his head

Prasheerna(surya) lost his teeth, and ashwini devatas fixed those

Bhaga, had lost eye sight, and through surgery they treated him

Indra suffered paralyses of shoulders, and he too was treated by ashwini kumaras.

They are Yagnavahas– the one who receives offering in yagna. The story goes as,

Ashwini devata wanted to test Sukanya– a young, very beautiful wife of Chyavana maharshi. They proposed their love of her and asked her to leave Chyavana who was old and weak. But Sukanya refused to leave her husband. Impressed by her chastity, they applied science of ‘Jara chikitsa’ of Ayurveda and prepared ‘Chyavanaprasha’ a medicine to restore youth. As a gesture of thank you, Chyavana maharshi granted them havissu-offering during yagna.

It is said that, ashwini kumara are ‘Asthu devata’, the one who fulfill any wish. So it is always advised to have good, fulfilling and right desires. Ashwini kumaras granted Madri, Nakula and Sahadeva in Mahabharatha.

Just like an eagle which dives towards land on seeing  a prey, Ashwini kumaras come to the rescue of the needy, because they have Manovega.

“parithram hi varivicchedi parna, aaja khelasya paritakmayam |

Sadyojangamayamsi vishpalayai dhane Hite satrave prathyadattam ||”

This verse from Rigveda not only praises ashwini kumaras but also Vishpala, a warrior queen of king Khela. Vishpala had lost a leg in the battle, and ashwini kumaras has installed a iron leg to make her able to run and defeat enemy in battle field.

Elders always advise not to wish evil or bad things, because Ashwini kumaras can instantly make it happen. It is just a way of emphasizing need of pure thoughts and action. Which will always yield fruits of punya.

Ketu is the Lord of Ashwini Nakshatra as per Vimshottari Dasa System propounded by Parashara Maharishi. 

Worshipping Ketu helps overcome issues with Ashwini Nakshatra.

Puranic mantra for propiating the Ketu (17,000 times).

Palasa-puspa-sankasam taraka-graha-mastakam
raudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamamy aham

When translated in English, it means:

"I offer my obeisances to the violent and fearsome Ketu, who is endowed with the potency of Lord Shiva. Resembling in his complexion the flower of a palasa plant, he serves as the head of the stars and planets."

Gayatri Mantra for Ketu:

"Om Chitravarnaya vidhmahe, sarparoopaya dhimahi, tanno Ketu Prachodayat"

9 & 11 Mukhi rudraksha are associated with this Nakshatra.

Ashwini Nakshatra - Shidhra Vyapani Shakti
Ashwini is govern by the Ashwins, the twin horsemen. It has the power to quickly reach things (shidhra vyapani shakti). Its basis above are the creatures to be healed. Its basis below is the healing therapies.
From these three the entire world becomes free of disease Ashwini Nakshatra brings about quick aid and energization. The healing power of Ashwini is evident from these comments, particularly their ability to bring about fast, radical or miraculous cures as well as rejuvenation. The Ashwins are forces of Prana or the
life-force, which is quick in its action to stimulate, help, and initiate a new level of activity.

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra associated with Ashwini nakshatra.
(Each Sloka is associated with each Nakshatra Pada, by chanting the sloka pertaining to the Nakshatra Pada in which a person is born, the native gets blessings of Lord Vishnu)

Om vishvam vishnu rvashatkaro bhoota-bhavya bhavat-prabhuh |
Bhoota-krut bhoota-bhrud-bhavo bhootatma bhoota-bhavanah.|| “Ashwini 1st Pada" 

Pootatma paramatma cha muktanam parama-gatih |
Avyayah purusha sakshee kshetragno-kshara eva cha.|| “Ashwini 2nd Pada"

Yogo yoga-vidam neta pradhana puru-sheshvarah |
Narasimhavapu shreeman keshavah puru-shottamah.|| “Ashwini 3rd Pada"

Sarvah sharvah shivah sthanuh bhootadi-rnidhi ravyayah |
Sambhavo bhavano bharta pradhavah prabhu reeshvarah ||. “Ashwini 4th Pada"

Ashwini Tree - Kuchla

Strychnos nux-vomica - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-266.jpg

Ashwini Nakshatra - Information on Nakshatra

"Ashwini is governed by the Ashwins, the twin horsemen. It has the power to quickly reach things (shidhra vyapani shakti). Its basis above is the creatures to be healed. Its basis below is the healing therapies. From these three, the entire world becomes free of disease.

Ashwini Nakshatra brings about quick aid and energization. The healing power of Ashwini is evident from these comments, particularly from the Ashwin’s ability to bring about fast, radical or miraculous cures as well as rejuvenation (rasayana). The Ashwins are forces of Prana or the life-force, which is quick in its action to stimulate, help, and initiate a new level of activity. Ashwini Nakshatra involves these powers of speed, prana, electrical energy and Shakti. It gives transformation through balance.

Ashwini gives good powers of hearing, learning and attention. It is an important Nakshatra for doctors, psychologists and innovative leaders, affording good insight and original ideas.
The Ashwins desired, “May we be possessed of good hearing and not be deaf. “One who makes the appropriate offering to the Ashwins and to Ashwini (00 00-13 20 Aries) becomes possessed of good hearing and will not become deaf. Ashwini Nakshatra grants the power of hearing on both outer and inner levels. That is why this Nakshatra relates to secret knowledge and to miraculous powers. The Ashwins are the doctors and miracle workers among the Gods
"The symbol for Ashwini is a horse’s head representing a dauntless spirit of adventure and a head-strong nature. The ruling deities are the Ashwin twins who ride in a golden chariot and shower healing energy down to the earth plane. They are the “Physicians of the Gods”. Their shakti 9 is the power to quickly heal and reach what they desire. This is a nakshatra of initiation, revitalization and transformational healing. The Ashwini natives have a deva, or godly temperament, and their primary motivation is dharma. The ruling planet is Ketu (South Node of the Moon), which gives a mystical and mysterious bent to their life journey.

Ashwini Career Interests:
Psychologists, therapists, physicians and mystical healers.
Military personnel, police, criminal courts, drug dealers, alchemists.
Merchants, salespeople, travel agents, transportation fields.
Horse trainers, jockeys, athletes.
Musicians, metaphysicians and psychics.

Ashwini is formed by three stars in the head of the constellation of the Ram (horse).
“Our ancestors fashioned heaven as a dark horse with pearls. They placed darkness in the night and light in the day. Brahaspati (Jupiter) broke the rock and released the rays”. Rig Veda X. 68.11"
The “star of transport,” they are pioneers, explorers, always ready to try something new. They have zeal, and a zest for life. Heroic and very courageous, some will want to join the armed forces. Their restless and impatient nature has them rushing off quickly without planning ahead. Speed, not efficiency, is their preference. Their speech may be quick and halting, possibly stuttering, for the words can’t match the speed of their thoughts. They are the true trailblazers, headstrong and stubborn. As the symbol for new beginnings, they can represent a baby who goes after what it wants, not considering the inconveniences to others. They can be childish, irresponsible and inconsiderate. Ashwini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. They are probably known for getting speeding tickets. Healers performing miracle healings are one of Ashwini’s gifts
0 Degree to 13 Degree 20 Minutes - Aries
"Ashvini,the beginning of everythinge, speciallyKetu's energies,is represented in the celestial
firmament by two bright stars in the constellation of Aries."
The ancient Vedics Seers saw the constellation of Aries as forming a horse's head
"Ashvini" can be translated into either "Born of a Female Horse"or the "Horse-Woman".The first meaning is clear but the second one leaves  one confused as to whether the woman is riding a horse,or is she a mythical creature with a horse's head and woman's body.As we shall discover later, it is probably the latter
Its alternative name is Asvayuj, which translates into "she who yokes horses". Once again a strong emphasis on the horse and a female is seen, the root of which we would discover when we get to its ruling deities
A horse's head conveys the idea of "a beginning". One can notice how riders pat their horse's neck before beginning any journey. From time immemorial a horse has been seen as a symbol of power, courage, movement and vitality.A horse's head signifies an eagerness to act and a swiftness of approach. A horse as we know is always ready to make journeys, not for its own ends, but for the ends of its rider or others in general
A horse's head conveys a certain  amount of sensitivity and alertness. The head of course relates to the brain, the controlling organ of all body f unctions. Thus Ashvini automatically relates  to mental impulses and leadership. Horses are nervous fidgety and highly strung animals. Therefore this nakhatra carries all of these qualities in good measure
Its alternative symbol is a 'horse carriage consisting of two horses carrying two people'. This symbolism relates to the presiding deities of this nakshatra. This symbol once again emphasizes a need for movement and relates to transportation of all kinds.This movement can relate to material transportation on the earth or travelling between different worlds, realms or planes
The Ashvini Kumaras, the two celestial horse men are regarded as the main presiding deities of this nakshatra.Their names are "Dashra" and "Nasatya", which translate into "bringing help" and "truthfulness" respectively.  The tales often show two heroic brothers travelling around solving the problems of whosoever they encounter in their travels.

Ashwini Nakshatra Analysis

The Sanskrit root word
Ash - to reach, to gain, to master, to penetrate, to enjoy.
Other Ancient names of this Nakshatra
Ashvinau, Ashvayujau, Aswathy, Aswiyuka, Aswayuk, Ashvattha, Aswija, Ashwi,
Ashwah, Aswa-sirsha, Ashvashiras, Adyah, Dasrah, Dasradevata, Dhata, Haya, Harih,
Janman, Nasatyas, Suta, Tutaga, Turangah, Turangamah, Turagah, Tanugriha, Udaya,
Vaaji, Vaajiba.

Ashwini translates as “Born from a Female Horse” or “The Horse Woman” or
“Possessing Horse”, “Asva-r-yujya” translates as “She Who Yokes Horses”.
Astronomy - Ashwini Nakshatra
The number of stars is 3
1. Alpha Arietes / Hamal
2. Beta Arietes / Sheratan
3. Gamma Arietes/ Mesarthim.
All the Three are Fixed Stars. Hamal (Head of the Ram) is the Brightest Star in the
Constellation of Aries.
Hamal makes one Headstrong and Often Aggressive, yet Potentially Capable Leaders
and Protectors of their Community, all Qualities of the Ram.
Sheratan Lies in the Horn of the Ram of Aries. It is connected to the throat region of the
human body. Its Qualities are Violent, Outspoken, and Brazen. It causes bodily Injuries,
unscrupulous defeat, and destruction by fifire, war or earthquake. Mesarthim or Meshadi
(Sanskrit) combines Martian and Saturnian Powers, and this makes their Nature into a
Violent One. In relative connections to the three stars, danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion, lesser in degree in Mesarthim compared to
Hamal and Sheratan)

Yoga Taras (Principle Stars)
Alpha Arietis and Beta Arietis, Hamal and Al Sharatain (Beta & Gamma Sheratan),

Ashwini Nakshatra - Ruled by Ketu

Ashwini Nakshatra in the Vimshottari Nakshatra Dasa (120 Year Cycle of Timing of
Events) system introduced by Rishi Parashara is associated with planet Ketu (South
Node of the Moon). This association with Ketu is only relevant with the Vimshottari
based Nakshatra Dasa system and Ketu doesn't rule this Nakshatra as is believed and
understood misintepreted in many of the later texts on Nakshatras. The Nakshatras are
ruled by the Devatas (Tutelary Archetypes or Principal Dieites). Other Nakshatra based
dasa systems given by Rishis Parashara have been associated with other planets that
inflfluence this nakshatra and this has to be used judiciously only for studying and
intepreting the underlying scheme of Dasa.
Study of the Vimshottari Dasa with this Nakshatra we base the association of Ketu with
the Karakas (signififications) of Ketu which includes and not limited to: Turning Away
from Enjoyment (Virakti) and Pleasures, Delays, Sleep, Destruction, Dreams,
Knowledge, Liveliness, Salvation, Maternal Grandmother, Paternal Grandmother,
Renunciation, Blind Devotion, Wearing Beaded Garlands, Deceitful Behaviour,
Frightening Others, Pilgrimages, Lust, Quarrels, Separation, Untidiness, Lunacy,
Knowledge of Omens, Salvation.
Ketu is also associated with Lord Matsya (Fish) amongst the Dasa Avataars (10
Incarnations) of Vishnu. Ketu is also been re#ered to as Akasha, Akaca, Sikhi.

Key Points
' The word Ashwin means a horse tamer or a cavalier. The animal symbol is also a
Horse. The horse are a representation of our senses, desires, creative energies
and the ability to control them is the key to happiness and moksha
The deities of this nakshatra are the Ashwini Kumaras (the Celestial Twins)
Dasra and Nasatya. The word Kumaras means Teenagers. They where the sons
of Saranya (daughter of Viswakarma; the celestial architect) and the Surya (Sun
God) in his form of Vivasvat (as a Stallion as per Mythology). As per the Puranas
it is believed that Saranya (also called as Sanjana or Samjna) held the Solar
Semen in her nostrils, for otherwise she could not hold it, it is so strong. The
twins as a pair are inseparable and hence are referred commonly as ‘the night’
and ‘the day’, ‘the light’ and ‘the darkness’, ‘the heaven’ and ‘the earth’, the
light’ and ‘the moisture’. The are the ‘light healers’ that work with polarity and
pulse, such as pulsing laser beams. They have superb hearing and are very
sensitive to vibrations
' Personifified, “ Ashwini” is considered to be the wife of the Ashwini Kumaras.
Ashwini is represented either by the head of a horse, or by honey and the bee
' The Ashwins symbolize the shining of sunrise and sunset, appearing in the sky
before the dawn in their golden chariot, bringing treasures to men and averting
misfortune and sickness. They chase Usha (The Dawn) every morning with their
brilliance. The Sun God is depicted and represented by the Seven Horses or the
Seven Colors. The Ashwini Kumaras are represented as humans with the head
of a horse. Since they were born as twins, this nakshatra has the propensity to
produce twins. One of the possible combinations is having Mars posited in
Ashwini nakshatra with the lagna as Aquarius, can give the native a tin brother or
sister, since Mars is placed in Bhatristana (the 3 rd house of siblings)
' The Ashwini Kumaras rule over Agriculture and are experts in the use of herbs
(e.g. Ayurveda) and healing therapies. They are the herdsmen and Gardeners.
They bring the honey to the Gods
' According to the Rig-Veda, Ashwini Kumaras are the Lords of Speed, "the swift
movers, the falcons of light, riders of the task force horse, responsive and
brilliant". Lord Ashwini Kumaras are observed as the embodiments of
knowledge, intelligence and speed
' Once Lord Indra, tried to stop the Ashwini Kumaras from seeking medicinal
education from the Sun God. Hence people born with Ashwini Nakshatra may
have gaps in their education life, but will complete their education because of
devotion and dedication. Ashwini nakshatra is said to have "enemical relation"
with Jyeshtha nakshatra as Jyeshtha is ruled by Lord Indra
The Ashwini natives seem to have a tendency to feel dissatisfified with the
present due to the e#ect Ketu (the planetary ruler of Ashwini) a idealistic,
spiritual and headless planet, which is also the karaka (signifificator) of Moksha
' Ashwini rules all forms of transportation and fast travel. Ashwini Kumaras used
to ride on the Golden chariot during sunrise and sunset
' The symbol of this nakshatra is the Horses Head. The horses head represents a
dauntless spirit of adventure and a head-strong nature. This can be associated
with mythology of the Ashwini Kumaras learning the Brahma-Vidya (The Secret
Science of Immortality) from Sage Dadhichi by replacing his head with that of a
Horses Head. Since the brahma-vidya was imparted through the mouth of a
horse it came to be known as Ashvashira (Horses Head).
' This is a nakshatra of initiation, revitalization and transformational healing.
‘Spontaneous’ is the word which sums up this nakshatra nature and functioning
' The motivation of this nakshatra is Dharma (Righteousness). Being born from
Surya (Sun God), the divine time keeper and protector of righteousness, they are
by nature righteous, spiritual and philosophical
' The Guna (nature) of the nakshatra is Deva (God like disposition). The native of
this nakshatra are direct, straight-forward people and appreciate the same in
others. They have high moral values and seen to uphold the ethics of the family,
religion and country. They have eye for need of others and very helpful in nature.
They Love to be Unique and di#erent
' The tridosha of Ashwini is Vata. The vata people generally tend to be of a
nervous disposition. Since Ashwini’s Shakti is to reach things quickly, they have
a lot of nervous energy that needs to expend. They seem to have short attention
span and seem to show weakness related to stress and anxiety
' The Sun is Exalted in this nakshatra at 10o of Aries, and therefore it is often
seen that native have a thirst for leadership, authority and honor. The Sun rides
on a chariot ridden by seven horses. The horses represent desire, sexuality and
speed. Hence, Sun is exalted in Ashwini since he has the ability to control these
' By the inflfluence of this star the native is expected to be equestrian (horse-ride)
or a soldier, also a physician with marvelous power to heal. The after-speak of
physicians excellence or process. It is possible, in the horoscopes of these
physicians it will be seen that the Graha for successful medical practice is
positioned in Ashwini Nakshatra. From Ashwini it is supposed to be derived
carriages for animals for transport, everything related to transport and transport

Ashwini Nakshatra mentions from the Scriptures
“Ashwini rules horse-dealers, commandants, physicians, attendants, horses, horseriders,
merchants, handsome persons and horse-grooms”
- Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira (Chapter XV, Stellar Rulership)
“The person born under the star of Ashwini will have a great deal of intelligence, wealth,
modesty, sagacity and fame and will be happy.”
- Jataka Parijata, NakshatraPalam (Adh. IX, Sloka 84-90)
“Commander of the Army, Horse Stealer, Physician, Servant, Horse Rider, Trader,
Hunter, Handsome Stable Keeper, Wildlife Conservators, Safari Organizers, Uniformed
- Dhruva Nadi
“Taking Medicine, Making Medicine, Beginning Actions to Improve Health.”
- Muhurta Chintamani (2.15)
“The person born in Ashwini nakshatra will be interested in performing pooja to Gods,
respects guests, lives a traditional life by following the shastras or enunciated dictums,
enjoys life with all types of enjoyment and wealth, by doing good deeds and will be
happy always.”
- Daivagna Vilasa
“The native will be wealthy, knowledgeable by understanding the meaning of Vedas,
e!c ient, valiant and tough with well built body.”

- Jatakabharana
“The person will enjoy the life well with wealth. The native will also be revered by the
people for good character, kindness and sacrifificing nature.”
- Yavaneshwara (Yavana Jataka)
“The native will be handsome, well built, very wealthy and e!c ient. He will be
possessed with glamorous qualities and will become popular among friends.”
- Manasagari

Deity - The Ashwini Kumara
Ashwini Kumaras or Dastra (The Golden Armored Horse Headed Twins are Physicians
to the Gods, the Friends of the Sick and Unfortunate. The Puranas relate that the 2
Ashwini Kumaras Dasra (The Destroyer) and Nasatya (Untruth) were born to Mother
Sanjana/ Tvastri and Father Sun. They are also called as the Twin Sons of Sun and the
Sky (or Cloud Goddess) and referred to as the Bright Harbingers of Usha (The Dawn).
They Travel the Sky in their Three-Wheeled, Spring Bearing Golden Chariot Drawn by
Birds of Horses and the Charioteer's Seat is Divided in Three Sections. They Scale the
Skies Showering their Healing Energies on the Earth Plane. They are also Referred to
as the Abdijan (Ocean Born), Pushakara Srajan (Wreathed with Lotus), Badaveyan
(Sons of the Submarine Fire Badava) Indicating their Mystic Character. The Ashwini
Kumaras Represent the Transition from Darkness to Light, Cosmically and
Metaphysically. Ashwini Kumaras procured Madhu (Honey) for Gods and Together with
Saraswati (Goddess of knowledge) introduced Soma — Wine (Elixir of Life) into the
Cult. They Heal the Blind, the Deaf, the Lame, and Give Back their Youth to the Old.
Ashwini rules all forms of Transportation and Fast Travel. These are very Active, always
Busy doing Something and Quick in Action, Swift Like the Falcons, and Possessed of
Many Forms). Dasra also refers to “accomplishing wonderful deeds, giving marvelous
aid”. According to the Rig-Veda, Ashwini Kumaras are referred to as the “Lords of
Speed”, "The Swift Movers”, “The Falcons of Light”, “Riders of the Task Force Horse”,
“Responsive and Brilliant". The Ashwini Kumaras are Observed as the Embodiments
of Knowledge and Speed.

Sacred Animal - Horse
The sacred animal of Ashwini Nakshatra is the horse. It is connected to the seven
horses of lord surya (sun). Horse represents the quality of the mind that keeps on
desiring one thing after another. The ability of the sun to gain control over the unending
desires is what ashwini nakshatra is all about. The seven horses also represent the
seven chakras – and people with prominent planets in Ashwini nakshatra have the
ability to experience the blossoming of the kundalini energy if they keep their
arrogance, ego and desires in check!

Madhuvidya from Rishi Dadhichi
Once upon a time there lived a great sage called as “Adharva”. The Adharva veda
which is one of the 4 vedas is named after him. His son Dadhichi performed austerities
and Indra – The King of the Gods blessed him with the highest knowledge of
immortality known as “Madhu Vidya”
Indra taught Madhu-vidya to Rishi Dadhichi with a warning that it should not be
communicated to anyone else. He also told Dadhichi that he would cut o# his head if
he tried to teach it to anyone else.
Every God in heaven wanted to know this, especially the Ashvin Brothers (Doctors of
the Gods). The Ashvins already knew a lot of secrets about holistic health and were the
ancient practitioners of Ayurveda! They approached Dadhichi and tricked him to give
the most precious knowledge to them. They told him that they will give Dadhichi a
horse head, and through the mouth of the horse he should expound the Madhu-Vidya
and Indra would come and cut o# the horse head, after which they would replace it
with his real head. The Ashvins have miraculous power to even bring back the dead
Dadhichi agreed, and as soon as he gave the knowledge to The Ashvins, Indra slew the
horse head, and then later The Ashvins replaced it with Dadhichi’s own head.
The horse’s head became the constellation “Ashvini – The Healing Star”

In Ayurveda the horse’s head is a symbol of “Prana” or “Life force energy”.
In Yoga, the horse’s head is a symbol of soul’s ability to go beyond the body and merge
with the ultimate power. The cut o# head is a symbolic representation of bliss (honey)
emanating from the crown chakra. So in essence, the madhu-vidya is the knowledge of
the supreme bliss!
Madhu-vidya is described in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad II.v.1-19, and in the
Chandogya Upanishad III 1-5. Madhu-vidya or ‘Honey-knowledge’ is that of the
supreme Bliss of the Self; it is an important Vedic teaching.[1] – Wikipedia

Ashwini Rahasya (Secret of the Solar Twins) and AgniStoma
Yagna for Soul Elevation
The Ashwini Kumaras are 3rd generation of Adityas from their paternal side. They are
Grand-children of Prajapati Daksha and Aditi (Mother of all the Adityas). They are also
the 3rd generation of universal creators, sculptors, energizers and healers from their
maternal side. They are the grand-children of Tvastar “maker of all forms” and the
“creator of Soma elixir”. They were born as mortals under mysterious circumstances
from the nostrils of their mother Saranyu (Cloud, Air, Wind, Protector) and father
Martanda (Mortal Embryo and the last Solar Deity to be born to Aditi) when both had
assumed the earthly form of horses.
The Ashwins are forces of “Prana Agni” or the life-force, which is quick in its action to
stimulate, help, and initiate a new level of activity. With their superior lineage they
represent all the dualities in Yoga and the Vedanta, such as Prana Agni (Fire of Vital
Force which is responsible for the digestion of Prana in the Body) and Soma (The
Nectar/Ambrosia of the Mind). They also represent the Yogic breath of Udana (upward
moving) and Apana (descending) Vayus.
In Yoga, they represent the Ida (Solar bodily currents) and Pingala (Lunar bodily
currents) on the Left and Right Side of the Body.
As demi-gods they represent the twin-gods Mitra (Solar deity of Friendship) and Varuna
(The Solar deity of Oceans). They represent the mortal attendants/ energy forms of two
sons of Lord Shiva – Skanda the commander in chief of the godly forces who was born
from the seed of FIRE of Shiva, and Ganesha, the elephant-headed gate-keeper of
Shakti. He epitomizes wisdom and is born from Shiva’s feminine side or Shakti
(Parvati). The Left side of our body is Goddess Shakti, representing Soma or Moon.
Ganesh is therefore the manifest from this aspect. The Right side of our body is Shiva,
represents Agni or Sun. Skanda is manifest from this aspect. When we worship both side of our body (Skanda and Ganesh) we are attuned to the cosmic principles and are
performing the greatest Sacrififice AGNISTOMA or JYOTIR STOMA YAGNA. A
ceremonial sacrififice which indicates the idea of “raising the dead man’s soul to the
heavens”. It signififies elevating the human mind, breath and soul to the lokas of the
The Ashwini Kumaras being mortals were fifinally elevated by Indra at the behest of
Chyavana Rishi to the ranks of the Devatas and were given the right to part-take in the
Libation (Oblations of Soma) o#ered during Yagnas.

The Story of Chyavana Rishi

Sukanya was the daughter of Sharyati, son of Vaivasvata Manu
and the wife of the great sage Chyavana.
The sage had spent so long in meditation that he was covered by a crow’s nest. The
beautiful girl Sukanya came upon the nest and saw two shining objects inside. Not
realizing these were the eyes of the sage, she poked playfully at them, and the sage
was blinded.
Chyavana was enraged, and Sukanya’s father placated him by o#ering her in marriage.
After their marriage Sukanya served the sage cheerfully, despite his old age and
One day she was spotted by the Ashwini Kumaras, identical twins who served as
physicians of the gods, who decided that her ethereal beauty was worthy of residence
in heaven rather than languishing on the Earth serving an old blind sage. They asked
her to marry one of them. Being a faithful wife, she vehemently objected to their
request. Pleased with her devotion to her husband, the Ashwini Kumaras o#ered to
restore her husband’s youth and eyesight. The bargain was conditional on Sukanya’s
ability to distinguish her husband from the twins themselves. If she failed to do so they
would return him to old age and blindness. All parties accepted these terms. The
Ashwini Kumaras asked Chyavana to accompany them into the nearby pond. Being
demigods, the Ashwini Kumaras left no footprints on the bank as they exited the pond.
Although the rejuvenated sage looked identical to the twins, he left footprints. The
Ashwini Kumaras blessed the couple and left. In return they also requested that the
sage give them a share of the sacrifificial o#erings in the future.

The esoteric meaning of the story of Rishi Chyavana
Chyavana represents the human body and is derived etymologically from the Sanskrit
root, Chgu, to go. It is never fifixed but always moves from one state to the other, thus it
grows from childhood to old age, and fifinally dissolves. The Devas are the Jnanendriyas
in the body. They are ever maintained young and energetic by the force of Prana. Just
like we go to the physician for bodily ailments, for their supply of energy and vitality
they will have to depend on the Ashwini Kumaras (Divine Physicians or Physicians to
the Gods). The Aswini Kumaras are the Prana and Apana. They are termed so, because
they are always galloping within this body like two horses, without rest for even a
moment. Further, they are inseparable. That is why they are referred to as the Twins.
Chyavana’s befriending the Twins means bringing under control the Prana and Apana
and utilizing them to enjoy youth, vigor and energy. Thus the real Chyavanaprash, the
medicine that Rishi Chyavana used to attain everlasting youth, is the control and
manipulation of breath through Yoga, and this alone is the never-failing tonic and
energy-giver. Therefore, it is the imperative need for every individual who wishes to live
a healthy life of longevity, full of energy and vigor.

The form of Ganesha related to Ashwini Nakshatra
Dwija Ganapathi is the 6th of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha and is associated with Ashwini Nakshatra. In this form, the Lord is regarded as “Twice Born”. Similar to how Brahmins, who undergo the ceremony of Upanayana – a function where they are initiated into The Gayatri Mantra, believe to be born again. Worshipping or meditating on this form of Lord Ganesha helps you reduce your debts and attain fame and material gains in this world.

Youthful, Ageless, Filled With Agility, Fearless, Direct, Competent Worker, Motivation to
Initiate New Activities, Intelligent, Self-Su&cient, Natural Healer, Helpful, Moderate
Habits, Well Dressed, Good Finances, Attractive, Powerful, Intuitive, Idealistic,
Spiritually Inclined, Adventurous, Independent, Strong, Powerful, Charming, Playful Nature, Loves Family, Nurturer, Traveler, Drawn To Activities Of Healing Or Self- Improvement.

Weakness / Shadow Issues
Hastiness in Action Compromises E&ciency, Impulsive, Does not take Advice Well,
Desire to Pursue New Experiences in Life Causes a Weakness in Finishing Things,
Aggressive, Stubborn, Wants to Do Things Their Own Way, Disappointed When Things
Do Not Go as Planned, Dissatisfified, Arrogant, Lack of Mental Quietude, Overly
' The Ashwini nakshatra natives lack patience and get restless when they don't
see quick results. In the same vein, it is observed that they change jobs and
professions more often than others
' The Ashwini natives show attachment to parents, for better or worse. They have
high propensity to jump into activities without much thought, which makes than
hyperactive. Many times, it displays their qualities of initiative, however, at many
times it results in failures due to jumping into something without prior evaluation
of pros and cons of their action
' They can also be over passionate, impulsive, aggressive, stubborn and arrogant
in nature (Traits more pronounced when natives are born during the period from
April 14th to April 28th when Sun is exalted and additionally when the native is
born between October 14th to October 28th when Sun is debilitated)
If malefifics or if planets a)icted by malefifics sitting here can bring passion, lust
and a certain degree of lack of discretion
' Venus placed here can bring issues and problems with sexuality
Saturn placed here can bring delays, disappointment, dissatisfaction, lack of
mental peace, and fear of criticism.
' Quick Steps or going back and forth in walking, this can interpret in ones nature.
This nakshatra is considered inauspicious for closure/ completion of any work,
which requires patience and perseverance.

Favorable Activities when moon transits Ashwini Nakshatra
Auspicious for Beginnings like Learning New Things, Laying Foundation, taking
Medicines, Rejuvenation and Healing, Self/Physical Improvements, Brisk Thought/
Action, Equestrian Activities, Buying/Selling, Travelling, Vehicle Repair, Wearing
Jewelry/Clothes, Occultism, Law, Sacred Installations, Renaming.

Unfavorable Activities when moon transits Ashwini Nakshatra
Marriage, Conclusions, Emotional and Sexual Activity, Actions Requiring Patience,

Career Interest
Psychologists, Therapists, Physicians, Healers, Mystics, Military Personnel, Police,
Criminal Courts, Merchants, Sales People, Musicians, Horse Trainers, Jockeys,
Equestrian Professions, Horse Trainers & Keepers and all those involved in Equine Jobs
or Sports, Horse Racing Enthusiasts Gamblers, All types of Healing Professions,
Physicians, Therapists, Chemists, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, Druggists &
Surgeons, Those involved in Promotion and Motivational Jobs & Campaigns, Physical
Arts like Dancing, Those involved in the Transportation Industry, Athletes and all Sport
related Jobs, Herbalists, All those involved in Racing Professions like Motor Sports,
Adventure Sports, Explorers, Stunt Men, Researchers & Pioneers, Concreters & all
those involved in Laying Foundations in the Building Industry, People in Law
Enforcement Agencies, Soldiers, Generals, Mechanical Engineers & those involved in
Engineering Professions in General, Police.

Important themes
' Ashwini Kumaras are the Celestial Twins with Horse heads, so it is often seen
that Ashwini nakshatra natives have a best friend that looks just like them. Also,
often the native has a double name, a nickname or is given new titles
' The animal symbol of Ashwini is the Male Horse. The seven horses as per Indian
mythology are considered the vehicle of the Sun God. Hence Ashwini is closely
linked with everything related to Transport and Travel 
' This is a nakshatra of initiation, revitalization and transformational healing
' Ashwini is a Laghu (Light) and a Kshipra (Quick/ Fast) nakshatra. The Ashwins
are mythologically know to ride along during sunrise on their golden chariots
chasing Usha (The Dawn). Similarly, the Ashwini natives generally like their cars
(similar to the Golden chariot) and like to ride them fast (Remember unit of
power is in Horse Power)
' Ashwini Kumaras are the celestial Physicians/ Healers and the growers’
medicinal herbs and plants (Agriculturists). Additionally, the shakti of Ashwini is
Shidravyapani Shakti (The power to “Quickly Attain One’s Objective”. Hence
alternative healing therapies and medicines administered when Moon is in
Ashwini can bring quick results
' The Ashwini Kumaras learnt Brahma-Vidya (Kayakalpa Vidya) to rejuvenate
and bring youthful looks from Sage Dadhichi. Hence benefifics (focal or favorable
planets) in Ashwini can give a youthful appearance and the native may seem to
look much younger than their natural age. The Ashwini Kumaras can grant
everlasting youth and vitality to their worshippers
' The Ashwini Kumaras are the typical Celestial Pranksters and love a little of play.
The Ashwini natives show a great taste for adventures and adventurous
sports in particular in this asterism. They are not afraid of taking risks and taking
new challenges in life. They generally have a good sense of humor and can be
an interesting company
' The desire of the Ashwini Kumaras was to drink the Soma (the Elixir of Life and
Immortality) and to be considered equals amongst the Gods. By restoring the
eyesight and youthful appearance to Chyavana Rishi they earned their right to
drink Soma Rasa, an immortalizing drink, with the other demigods. Likewise the
Ashwini natives aspire for high position, desired to be included amongst the
elite, famous, rich, want to be considered equal to demigods. There are always
on the look-out for shortcuts and fast ways to achieve their objectives quickly.
However, Ashwini people may incur initial resistance or even prejudice in the
process of attaining the status, position or acceptance
' The Ashwini Kumaras were handsome looking and masters in horse riding,
mathematics and astrology. This explains the Ashwini native’s special interests
in fashion (especially liking for ornaments), occult sciences and Equestrian
professions such as animal trainers/ breeders/owners, horse better, horse rider,
veterinarians, zoo keepers, bird keepers, etc. Note that Nakul and Sahadeva the twin Pandavas were born to the Kuru princess Madri from the Ashwini Kumaras.
Nakul was supposed most handsome in the entire Kuru Dynasty and was good
at Horse Riding and Training. Sahadeva was supposed to have been an expert
in Mathematics and Jyotish Vidya. He had foreseen the entire Mahabharatha
even before it all began and also knew the outcome of the war, but was sworn in
by Sri Krishna not to reveal this to anyone
' Ashwini natives have noticeable nose and teeth; be they attractive or not and
sometimes it is seen they would go under the knife such as cosmetic surgery of
nose (Nose job) or Teeth
' The desire of Ashwini is “The ability to Hear well and not be Deaf”, so Ashwini
native can be good healers (Reiki, Pranic) and be good ENT specialists
' Ashwini natives are supposed to be very close to their siblings, and could have
possibly been born after miscarriages and still borns. If not, goes on to lose a
sibling in life
' Ashwini Nakshatra may have gaps in their education life, but will complete their
education because of devotion and dedication
' They can fifind much success in careers and professions related to healing,
medicine, counseling and all other allied disciplines.


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